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Rubyrose | 23:15 Mon 14th May 2007 | Body & Soul
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Ears? Is that what you are calling it now? Lol
Is it just Sussex, or have the spiders arrived early this year. There is an absolute leviathan of one looking straight at me on the corner of the TV.

Shall I:

1) Kill it
2) Rescue it and throw it outside
3) Ignore it

actually its my ballbag i was never did take me up on my msn offer?why i wonder rubes ???
4. Make love to it.
btw swat it with a paper lol.
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Kill it! For the sake of me! I a terrified! If I was there now... you can be rest assured I would be straddling you! Lol

I was at work today and I asked one of the guys to put the box with the bananas in, away in the cupboard (we have fresh fruit everyday in our office) as I was scared big spiders would come out of it... he picked it up and ran at me with it! I have never moved so quickly! I leapt out of my chair screaming!
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What Msn offer?
Girls! Ha!
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Tis true!

There was a big mutha of a spider outside my bedroom window the other day..... it was about the size of a digestive biscuit.. and had a huge egg sack hanging from it! I sprayed it with Carpet Adhesive!
It's gone behind the bloody TV now. Whilst I am not scared as such, I admit to not liking them very much.

The TV is on the wall and I don'tthink the Vacuum extension will reach behind it.

Blast!!!! I'll have to wait for the monster to reappear. It has now made its own destiny and I shall swat the bu66er.
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Ooooooh stop... its making me feel all squeezy!!!!
when i asked you to msn me to explain your problem with me oh red one ????
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Oh... i don't really have a problem with you!
Sorry Rubes, but this little mite is bloody huge. Wouldn't say as big as a digestive, but one of those heavy stout ones. All body and stumpy legs. Probably the size of a Maryland cookie.
Was in my (male) mate's bathroom the other night, and I came out running, shouting "there's a spider!"...He came to the bathroom, followed my pointing finger, and there was *according to him* the smallest spider ever to walk this earth......

It scared me tho! I was brushing my teeth and there it was dangling from the tap! Everything looks a lot bigger when you have your face close to it. Ask ANY girl.
that mighta been its ball sack btw??
coulda been fulla spiders jizz lol
reallyy rubes????seems that way.ffs last year is a year away lol.
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I can never look at another Maryland cookie as long as I live! Oh no!

Actually... Wardy you could help me lose weight here... say it looks like chocolate, and KFC.. Lol!
Legend, you're a such a poet.
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Oh last year I did... are you the same Legend from CS?

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