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Trinny | 01:37 Fri 25th May 2007 | Body & Soul
162 Answers
I once got dumped via text! Who sayes romance is dead huh? So what was your last text? What did it say?


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OK did anyone else get this text

"It's 1O'clock.......time for AB to crash for 1
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emz, my ex is that far away too! lol
The ex is even willing to drive the 100 miles to just spend a few hours with me. He must be mad.
O right used to be white screen its "you cant access this site " time !! Good old AB..nothing changes
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warpig, after nearly 5 years together, he finished with me via email!. btw he is 45 not 15!

Trin your better off without him.....any man that sends a text after being with someone for 5 years is a coward in my book....x
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Emz , you lucky girl.. My ex couldnt even muster up a goodbye phone call......W*anker......

Sorry going off thread here.

Bez, think gremlins are in my pc so had better log off and get to bed
....that includes e-mail x
Trinny...thats unforgivable and cowardly!..You will meet someone much more deserving of your lovely self :-) I suspected - tw@t! My friend was recently dumped by text (he was 45 also), I couldn't believe it, I was even more astounded when she got back with him mind you. I just cant understand the mentality especially, in your situation, after five years - by e-mail???? To me that shows the true colours of a person.
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bez......thanks mate :) xx
Trinny....! 5 years and he finished with you by email? Ooooh! I would have castrated him! lol
No probs deserve better you are a beautiful lady xxx

Warpig....friggin cowards the people that do that....grrr
LOL, its still not too late for castration, I have a rusty blunt knife for just such a job!
Hey Trinny! No - never heard from Mr Paramedic again....ho hum, that's all I have to say on that...Forrest Gump
Hey Bez..Warpig's from Belfast too u know!! Warpig..Bez is my mucker on here ;-)
RQ - Step away from the paramedics! They are all trouble! lol x
Well if it was me......I'd put him in a room with a gang of angry women....should do the trick :)
Oh another of my fave accents in the world....Hiya
Warpig....message from Trin....she's having probs posting on AB...she wanted to reply to you....x

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