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Trinny | 01:37 Fri 25th May 2007 | Body & Soul
162 Answers
I once got dumped via text! Who sayes romance is dead huh? So what was your last text? What did it say?


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Emz I was always a morning person and getting up is no problem, just cant go back to sleep once I have woken up, whereas mrwarpig could sleep all day and I really envy that!
I'd just smack him in the
warpig3 - my other half snores for England! Absolutely awful!
Aww Bez..bless her..
My other half only snores when he's had a bev......and it's loud... :s
hmmm - that pillow looks awfully appealing - over his face! lol
Did u go to Edinburgh warpig?
I have tried everything girls, nothing works, well apart from holding a pillow over his face but he always regains consciousness!!!! All joking aside it is really bad as I am sure you can appreciate Emz.

Linda are you off work sick, sorry if that is too nosey, if so hope it is nothing serious.
Am about 12 miles outside Edinburgh in a little town called Linlithgow, very nice and quaint, but cant understand a word any says!
It's awful. I work shift work and sometimes have to get up at 4am. Not fun when he has been snoring all night. I could commit murder!!!
warpig he tried those put them on the nose before you go to bed....supposed to keep the nostrils open
He has tried everything, patches, sprays, the lot, some nights its so bad I go to the spare room as I just cant bear it any more, meanwhile he sleeps through it, bless!
Well he must be very content warpig.....and yours too Emz.... :)
I wish I had a spare room to retreat to! lol
Snoring that can't be controlled is pure have all my sympathy:-(..Had to leave work as a result of long term stress.
When we first got together I thought his snoring was rather sweet but that was 20 years ago, not so sweet and endearing now, ha, ha.
Oh Linda, thats awful. x
I used to retire to the wee bedroom too!!..Bliss to get a chance to sleep..but..not the answer!!..My niece is currently living near the uni in Edinburgh..she works in the office there.
Girls can I ask your age range.....just say 20's 30's etc.... I know Lindas x
Linda, stress, thats to bad, have been there myself through work and it isn't pleasant, hope you are feeling better for not being there.

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