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Trinny | 01:37 Fri 25th May 2007 | Body & Soul
162 Answers
I once got dumped via text! Who sayes romance is dead huh? So what was your last text? What did it say?


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I'm 27. Other half is 34.
I will be 40 in October, cr@p, the big 4 0 :-o(

but I have decided that 40 is the new 20, he, he, he!
warpig I was gobsmacked when Linda told me why she was stressed.....but you would probably understand x
Awww Emz my daughter is only 3 years younger than you x.....Oi you warpig nowt wrong with the 40''m 44 btw :)
Stress is not good especially when it is caused by work, after all most of us are only there to pay the bills etc, dont need the additional hassle.

Emz, if according to me 40 is the new 20 then that makes you 7, does your mum know you are up this late and isn't mr Emz a bit old for you!!!!!
nothing wrong with being in your 40's. I'll be there soon enough!!
I had to leave 10 years ago..have lost confidence now to start work family stuff gets in the way Bez has said...are we giving away the ages???..
warpig3 - lol! School tomo for me then!
Emz.....hope you've done your
When I have spoken to someone from here on msn the first thing they say is......thought you where younger.....:s
I see we are !!...Hit the big 50 last year..Noooo!! Still think I'm only 25 lol !!
lol - People think I'm older!
Wish I was seven again! the summer used to last for ever and when you went back to school you couldn't remember how towrite, happy days!
You are me ole irish you to bits xxx
Lol warpig......dead on......
It'd be a lonlier life wivout you Bez !!
I wish I was 7 again. Wouldn't have to worry about the weaker sex! lol
Emz you do come across as older.....but in a nice way.....thank god my daughter doesn't have a pc....she'd be on here doing her ruddy text
Or be kept awake by their snoring Emz!
Awwww mucker shurrup....just got choked up there.....x

Kisses from acorss the Mersey....mwah

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