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Trinny | 01:37 Fri 25th May 2007 | Body & Soul
162 Answers
I once got dumped via text! Who sayes romance is dead huh? So what was your last text? What did it say?


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Hey Bez!!...See you're picking up the lingo there lol !! Dead on..
;-) that from your text..x.......
I feel older! Especially at 5am when the other half has been snoring all night! lol
LOL, what are yous' like, make like curtains and pull yourselves together!!!!

Had to laugh, someone is gonna come on here in the morning and see 120+ answers and think 'hey that looks interesting', and it ends up with a bunch of women getting emotional and slating men for snoring!!!!!! LOL!
warpig and emz......if you have mrk on your msn ask him to pass on my addy.......x
Red - he is in bed.
Aww..THanks for that other reply matey xx...
I have no idea what msn is!!!!! Well I know what it is but have not registered and am not sure how it operates to be honest, am a bit of a technophobe!
rofl warpig......hang on lets get back to the Q......well I haven't had a text in the last few hours......Oh just realised....that's because I switched my fone
Lol Warpig !!..Disapointment for them or what !!
Feel free to add me! The more the merrier! x
What, mrk is in bed, how do you know that Emz, is he mremz? Come on, spill the beans!
Emz will add you hun x.......warpig you could not be worse than Linda......took her 12 months before she realised how to do it.......msn I
No.... I was speaking to him earlier and he was getting an early night. Sorry to disappoint. x
Bez is right there warpig !!..She has the patience of a saint in getting me onto msn..!..If I can do it..then you deffo can
Pants, was hoping for some Ab gossip there Emz!
Linda I would need an idiots guide,am honestly that bad.
Just out of interest - Where are all the blokes tonight?? There are usually a few on here....!
*Bez..takes a shuddering breath* !! "Oh no..not again* !!

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