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Trinny | 01:37 Fri 25th May 2007 | Body & Soul
162 Answers
I once got dumped via text! Who sayes romance is dead huh? So what was your last text? What did it say?


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We know each other to chat a bit on AB, Bez..
lol - I can just picture it!
Oh btw girls....Trin said it was ok for us to carry on using her thread.....she's had probs getting back on and now gone to bed.....
She didn't text me btw....she said it on
Much as I'd like to wrap my laptop round my ex's mush.....
I haven't gone on to MSN tonight Bez,cos, I'll stay up too late!!..Its bad enough now !!..Hope Trins puter is ok?
Emz tell you what mate would he be worth �500.....nah...Keep yer lappy to chat to the good people :)
Do you all have to go to work tomorrow?
Linda she said it kept freezing.....prob that ex of hers sending bad vibes.....grrrrr
I'm not working tomorrow thankfully.
Nope not me warpig....lady of leisure I am...but in the olden days they would say......Kept
Just wondered how you all manage to stay up so late, I am 'not working' at the moment but that said I still get up between 7.30 and 8 in the morning, how sad is that?
My grandaughter stayed over last was awake most of the night......never get a good nights sleep when she stays.....always listening out for her in the night.
Warpig..we have ended up chatting to past 4 !!..I'm not working either...long story
i wish I could get up that early. I only do when I have to for work. I'm a right grumpy cow at that time of the morning! lol
Bez..I meant to ask you last did Morgan react to the result last night?..Was she upset?
My partners mum gets up at 5 every morning....
LOL Bez, you wanna try sleeping with mrwarpig in the same house, couldn''t tell you the last time I had a good nights sleep, and before you get the wrong idea its because of his snoring (sadly) :-o(
Linda she fell asleep and this morning said "nanny who won, did Liverpool win"........I had to break the bad news to her.....she said "Oh ok nanny...can I have coco pops"
Warpig...turn him onto his works for me

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