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Lonely and suicidal

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GavinH | 22:30 Fri 27th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
42 Answers
Ever felt so lonely that suicide feels the only way out?. Yes its a selfish act. But when you see no way forward. Being dead seems a relief to all your problems.


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gavin,do you feel able to say what the problem is? i feel sure that someone on here will have been through the same or something similar
Gavin trust me......keep going, it will be worth it in the end!

Beleive it or not, the beginning of this year I was feeling how you do right now. There were times when not even having my daughter was enough.....I thought she would be much better off without me as I couldnt give her what she deserved. My friend made me go to my doctors for help and wow what a difference in such a short space of time!

And look at me whole has turned around .......... Im settled down with the best man a girl could ever want......Im finally working on having the career I never had and to top it all off.....Im expecting baby number two and over the moon!

So you see, it is worth hanging in ther mate!
bigmamma has given you some excellent advice, my advice is to take it, and as you can see, the majority on here are for you, and want you to come through this, it won't happen tomorrow, but starting to talk about it is a beginning.

Right now, your at rock bottom, things can only get better, you've taken the first step by coming on here with it, now for the second, the Samaritans are anonymous, which is good, dial 141 before you ring, and your number is hidden, then the docs, they are trained to listen.

hi, listen to big mama she is right! it might seem bad now but things have away of turning themselves around, its not all bad take care hun
don't normally give my email addy on here...... but can really understand how you feel. I have been in that deep hole me [email protected].... Will help however I can
Was jut switching off but noticed this thread. Bigmamma & the others are right - it will get better for you in time.

Gavin - please believe me, you are not alone. I have also felt exactly like you're feeling in the past, but I'm sure there are lots of people in your life that love & care for you.

Easier said than done I know, but try not to look at the 'big' picture. Take a few deep breaths & one step at a time - it will get better.

Everything in 'bite size pieces' is my motto - so your first step has been to open up on here - the second step should be to talk to your GP as soon as possible & go on from there....

Arms around you.
Gavin, really hope we all here from you tomorrow, god bless xx
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Thank you everyone. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. This is not a wind up post. Thank you all for listening to me. And for giving me advice.
Hiya Gavin.....chin up mate, things may look grim at the moment but with the right help and support you will get through this...honestly.
There are some fantastic people here on AB who are only too glad to help and give you reassurance.

Take care xx
gavin sadly there are a lot of people who take the ****,but if you are a genuine person u will have support [hope you are]
you must give some detailes?
Hi Gavin, I Can't add to anything that has been said, but if you want to talk to us on here please do, lots of good people who will try and help you, or put you in touch with somebody that can, so please don't give up whatever is wrong, there is a solution, the darkest hour is just before the dawn, if I or anyone else can help you we will , take care and let us know how you are, Ray
Hi Gavin,ive had suicide in my family,and he took his kids with him.PLEASE think about those that you will be leaving behind.People do care.
in practical terms, you need to get to the docs asap.

if you are genuinely suicidal , and not just drunk or in a huff, then you probably have depression - especially if nothing particular has happened to you to make you feel this way.

the doc will give you anti depressants, but in the meantime, there are a few small things you can do to ''smooth out the edges'' until the pills start to work.

go to the chemist or health food shop and get a few of these remedies
- rescue remedy
- kalms
- 5HTP
and get yourself a multi vitamin for a bit of a boost
get youself to the library and rent some comedy audio books or some comeby books - no drama or weepies.
fill your spare time with things that will make you laugh a bit - don't sit about moping.


try to go out - for walks, feed the ducks, anything, just get out and about.
perhaps join a group or social club to meet some new people.
become a charity volunteer.

you need to get out an meet people - don't concentrate on meeting a girlfriend (or boyf) just make some friends - they don't have to be like you are share your interests, just people to chat to, have a cuppa with etc
Hi GavinH - Not heard from U for a while now. Hope you have at least been able to get some sleep, as sleep plays a big part in depression and the way your feeling right now.

Pls let us know that youre OK. I may have some answers for you in the morning.
Good morning Gavin - hope you managed to get some sleep after all the help & caring words you received on here last night.

Hope the sun's out where you are & that you can look to a happier day knowing you are not alone. Take care. ;o}

Talk to someone,we all have bad times.But were given one shot at life,Theres lots of people to talk too,im here talk to me.My life isnt great but i dont think for a second to end it all.Theres always light at the end of the tunnel,always gets worse before it gets better.Your not the only,but please dont feel like ending it all.Chin up,things WILL get better
There has been so many kind words to you Gavin, from complete strangers. Out of the 36 replies, there was only ONE cynic. And he wasn't actually horrible, he was just doubting).This has really lifted my spirits and given me faith in human nature. I hope it has lifted you a bit. Has it?
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I just want to thank everyone who was so kind to me on Friday. I saw my GP today. And he has put me on some anti-depressants. Which I hope will make me feel better.

I was at a very low point on Friday. Thank you so much.

Thankyou for coming back to let us know you have been for your gps help love . I do hope things will brighten up for you soon , lovely to hear from you :-)
Dear Gavin

I know everything seems hopeless right now, but I can also tell you from personal experience that things can only get better for you.
I have lived through severe depression in my early twenties, and yes it was hard and lonely but time heals everything. I also learned that what doesn't kills you makes you stronger. I was put on some antidepressants which worked wonders for me, and I also stared seeing a councellor.
Another thing that you could do is join a gym, that is a great way to make yourself feel better.
Good Luck!

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