heart ache is a natural occurence of life. like dying. its gonna happen, like it or not. you simply can not avoid it. even if you lived all alone in the middle of no where, something, somewhere would cause heart ache. is it a learning curve? well thats up to you decide. you choose whatever you want to learn from your heart ache.
take me for example. l tried the whole dating/girlfriend thing when i was a teenager, and everytime i got dumped, i felt like crap. i experienced heart ache. then i realised. hang on, i hate this feeling so bad, why bother with it? the bad appeared to me to out weight the good, so i packed it in! no more dating, no more problem. thats the lesson i chose. (although ironically, im starting to regret it now, and out of a bizzare twist of events, its causing me more heart ache...)
anyway, luck has nothing to do with heart ache. think of it like this. heart ache is as inevitable as you blinking your eyelids. its going to happen, like it or not.