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who do you like to flirt with ?

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sleepyj | 15:44 Fri 21st Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
144 Answers
if any one who do you like to flirt with on ab ?i liked that smauel 23 but he not been on ab for long time ...


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I've not even started flirting yet.

S0d it... I'm going back to news!
he probably would have done but I'm on this post and havent seen the other. :-)
and yes we do have different views just a way of getting them across without the swearing or name calling. xx
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I've posted many a time on here without name calling etc.

Some people only understand one language at times tho {rever}

I appreciate that its not big or clever of me to adopt this approach, but as i say.............

Christ, excuse me, I spelt summet wrong!
And you're always losing the plot and swearing Laurence, don't pretend that this is a one off!
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How many of the ladies here are wearing skirts?
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sorry rofl, i'm still laughing at us all being called ladies, well he might have been excluding me from it, but still..........

Have i commented on you???????????

Thought not.

So please refrain from commenting about me thankyou

And to think i posted without ''losing the plot'' or swearing.

3 *** for me
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Give him his football back, B00.
I think he wants to stomp off home.......
Im allowed to make an observation laurence on a public forum aren't i?
ooh get your handbag out
No, Boo! Godammit you're not!
i take it no-ones in a flirty mood anymore then???

redcrx I would but....

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who do you like to flirt with ?

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