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who do you like to flirt with ?

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sleepyj | 15:44 Fri 21st Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
144 Answers
if any one who do you like to flirt with on ab ?i liked that smauel 23 but he not been on ab for long time ...


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lmao @ red :-)
You are indeed Boo.

But to comment on me ''always losing the plot and swearing'' is simply a lie, not an observation.

Yes i have my fair share of arguments, but does that give the right to say that i do it in every post?
I don't flirt with anyone..although I did plan on trying to 'cure' jack until I found out he was a she ;o) YOU doin'?
BOO always cracks me up, am I allowed to say that?
yeah, please dont 4get. I know i said i flirt with everyone but i didnt quite mean everyone.

although it does appear that the 'lads' are busy
ok laurence, I apologise, perhaps not EVERY time- but you have to admit you do get agitated quite a lot on here! my guest ;o) lol
I wasen't looking for an apology Boo.

Yes i have my moments.

I'm easily sucked into an argument when i should be able to control my emotions, tho thereafter i go looking for revenge { i know two wrongs do not make a right}

I've got a decent track record { i think} with the ladies on here:}

Does that make me a ''flirt'' then?
I flirt with all the girls but Goodsoulette and Sleepy are my favourites, oh, and that one that does pints of lady juice over in relationships & dating, and her that reckons she has a huge labia. Wawaweewa!
Errr dunno, don't care either Laurence sorry, lol. I don't come on here to flirt so therefore I don't really notice it when others do.

What does a decent track record with the ladies on here mean anyway? Do you make notches on the side of ya PC when you've scored???
Oh we're back to the flirting now are we?

Well as I said before. I just never would.

Decent track record = Not upsetting to many women, tho someones bound to put the record straight on that one. lol

I would say half-a-dozen fellas including myself on here do not see eye to eye.

And i certainly do not flirt on here. I'm happily married and could not wish for anything more
I heard you used to be a boxer Laurence, bet you've got really big bicepts and strong hands. I wonder what else you could do with those strong manly!
(That's how it's done ladies!)
we know how its done skreech, just wondering how the post has turned to you flirting with laurence?
oooo oooo i can prove you wrong on the upsetting women front- remember that post last week from the woman who was going for a job with her ex lover the film actor? You royally naffed her off!

I'd like my tube of Smarties prize for being a smartar$e left in that corner please >>>

Behave red. lol

awwww, Laurence, Im at my best when Im naughty!!!! ;)

i never believed her as did 4 or 5 others.

But point taken lol

Did you & me have a disagreement once Boo?
everyones flirting with laurence are they?
typical, the moment my backs turned ;-(

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who do you like to flirt with ?

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