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Hiding behind aliases

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aka pixi | 12:58 Fri 05th Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
96 Answers
Why do people feel the need to make aliases to slag someone off? I have never understood it at all. I dont know why anyone who has something to say to someone wouldnt do it in their own name. If I were wanting to say something to someone I would do it in my own name so the person I was saying it to knew for a fact it was me saying it and didnt have to sit there playing some silly guessing game as to whether it actually me or not.

Hope that made sense.


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hmm MrBen I think some men as well as women may prefer to use an alias if they are asking a personal question. I wouldn't , like louisa I would ask it in my real name. But this isnt the type of alias Im on about. I mean the ones who use an alias to be nasty either in general or towards other users in particular. I dont even mind the fun silly aliases some people do, everyone knows they are aliases even if they dont know who is behind them and I have had some real laughs in posts they have done.

Way to go earsugar :D are ya saving some for christmas?

Thats exactly what I imagine would happen Octavius (crap I always call you Octavious and have to backspace)

I DID use my own name - and got thrown off for speaking my mind. Why haven't you used your own name now then pixi?
hey ice!!!!!!!!!!
same here...i got banned ...some people gotta change cause of the bannin goin on...
Woah Kyra! How are thee? Yes - well I agree with you of course. Most people daren't show who they really are, which's sad. Now I've got no choice - but I AM behaving myself. Chat later - x.
I just read the comment by that me innit, it's upset me, i have emailed the ed telling her to dlete my name from the site.
Ice maiden- Pixi has used her real (user) name- she's been Pixi then aka Pixi for the 2years plus she's been a member here, she isn't hiding behind anything.
im a gimp
i answered this on the ships in the night thread lol

but as i said there
i totally understand why they do it.

know someone hounded off of a site .

btw pix wheres the me innit posts?
ub said on lol one but theres only 13 posts there??
Thanks Boo. I was referring to REAL names though, not made-up user names. Whatever, I meant no offence by anything there - to pixi or anyone else.
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smeghead if it bugs ya dont read it, simple :rollseyes:

yeah confused they get unbelievably high replies lol best thing to do is to go in their threads and chat about anything except them or whatever it is they have posted about, they then are no longer the centre of attention which is why they do it in the first place.

rev I agree that legend is one of the biggest abusers on here, not gonna apologise for saying that legend cos you know its true lol

Legend I agree with you that you would say what you have to say in your own name. You have said plenty to me on here and other sites and as yet all of it has been in your legend name (unless of course you are the freak or the other one that keeps sniping at me lol)

I loved the nutter on the bus sense. I do ignore most of it and Im more likely to be sarky if someone snipes at me rather than argumentative but when it gets personal thats well out of order.

if i gave my name, which is so unusual that i`ve never met another one, too many people could guess who i am!!!

i like being dolly pond as i`ve been called it for years since the series, pond life years ago

ok pix not even intereested in telling you how wrong you rrae .
but wheres this thread?

oh here copied from other thread.

theresa good reason why some folk use aliases to say things about folk.

i dont hide,or use aliases,i say what i think.
siome folk dont like what i say.
as a result they follow me like sheep.
in every one of my posts and threads trying to start trouble.

do you think after seeing the way i get abuse that anyone in their right mind would post sayiung they thought someone was a pain etc???

no danger.
wouldnt it be easier to become a greenie
have your say.

oh and icing on the cake , enter the threadf saying how nasty the greenie was ??

but then whod do that?
quite a few folk id guess.
as for me i will continue as i am.

oh and i also knew someone from another site , turned on by her so called b1tchy mates.
shunned by all.
how nasty a group can get if you cross them??
would i let on to anyone if i was her??
no chance especially knowing what they know.

im not bowie but have noticed they are very clued up and can find links to most anything on here.

my pet hate tho is peopple telling blatant lies about you to small groups of friends .
in an attempt to hound people out of their cosy little area.
not big or clever.

and dstrangely during such cliquey goings on theres always an influx of new usernames to abuse the unwanted.
cowardly i call it : -)
legend758duo - u soudn well p******ssed off, i`m listening to james blunt, really chilling. got to go to work all w/end so no pub or booze!! ugh
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dont be daft ice maiden Im hardly gonna post on a public website in my real name am I?

kyra and ice maiden if you have both been banned and now have new names have you said who you were before or are you keeping quiet about who you were? not being funny there, just curious

legend was the person you knew hounded off a site for doing nasty aliases cos thats what Im on about here, and lol at you posting in the wrong thread, yep for once in my life I agree with you, you're a gimp

Im sure the alias was on the lol thread.
i was banned for no last post was about occular migraines...after i week i tried kyra again...and it not hiding behind another name
Hello all :)
waves sorry for not answering q but it's the only one that seems to be moving!
ooooooooooooo, just found sports pub chat!! off to have a nose. i`m tooo sensitive and nice to have two names, you would need to have 2 log ons? nitemare, getting confused i would!!!

caroline x
well i looked at half three and it wasnt there
dots posted a while ago .
about it
how can she see it if its removed agaes ago?

anyone help?

sorry pix.

i think it was just pure nasty bitchyness and folk pretending to be other folk.
nasty when the packi come for ya.
Ya know Legend, i thought that too- as soon as she said that comment I went looking for it again and it wasn't there. Puzzled me as well that did.
pix ive also seen posts saying that some users are posing as members of the opposite sex !!

being a guy and a woman .
then flirting online .

now im sure thats just weird .

and its not the first time thats happened so im suspicious to say the least .

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