My nephew is a recovering heroin addict. At the moment he's taking methadone under supervision at his local chemist. As he's got the dreaded 'flu bug, I've had to pick him up & take him to the chemist myself. When I got to the shop there were at least 12 druggies outside;arguing, fighting & trying to sponge money off passersby. My question is: Do you think it's a good idea to take young people who are dabbling in drugs to the chemist's, to see what happens to them if they persist in taking drugs?
He didn't hit the smack until LOW in 1976-77. Personally Ithink he greatest writing, though not necessiarily he greatest songs, were 1974-6. Here he was as high as a kite on cocaine 24/7, but not smack.
Not everyone has as much self preservation as you or maybe you have a better coping mechanism or maybe you are tougher skinned, maybe you find other ways of dealing with things eg vocalising your problems in other ways. As a cutter and dabbler in drugs I could have easily crossed that line into heroin had it been available to me, I suppose.
Anyway of course you are better than everyone else and a virtuous tolerant Christian man, I personally admire Carrust for helping his/her nephew. With any luck he will be able to tell his story of how he got through it all and make a good success of his life, on the other hand, you could just put him down,
Anyhooooos! Getting back to the original question.........
No, I don't think it's a good idea to take young people who are dabbling in drugs to see the effects that it has on person, to the chemist. I'm almost positive that each and every one of them will be of the mind that " Oh, I'll never get to that state, it'll never happen to me". I'm also willing to bet that they'll either by sympathetic or openly sneering at those unfortunates who they'll see as weak....afterall, they'll never ever let drugs do that to them............
my mum workis in a chemist and most, not all, get very agitated if they have to wait or cant get their methodone. Some of them get quite abusive and try to shoplift.
i can honestly say that i can accept people using drugs..even class a drugs. why should any government be able to tell us what we can or can't put into our bodies as long as it's our own free choice. BUT....heroin is the dirtiest and most addictive drug in the world and anyone found to be selling it should be executed on the spot. i have personal experience of friends who got involved with heroin and despite all thier efforts to stop using they all ended up in the same graveyard. im sorry to have to tell you this but your nephew signed his own death warrant the first time he stuck that needle into his arm. it may be hard for you to accept but belive me it's only a matter of time before heroin kills him. along the way,like all junkies ,he will lie,cheat,steal and do things you would not belive him capable of just to get another fix. sorry carrust but i've seen it all before,nothing works.
Apart from giving up, as people like Bowie, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, Nikki Sixx, Slash, Keith Richards, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Jimmy Page, etc etc etc etc etc all prove..?
what a fantastic list of rolemodels you have waldo..horoin addicts NEVER give up. fair play to your nephew carrust...he's wise never to have of luck with his recovery:)
Who ever said they were my role models? It was a reasonably random list of musicians only.
They are all people who have beaten heroin addiction though, thus proving your contention that heroin addiction inevitably leads to death to be incorrect. about NO! i belive carrust asked a serious question here so why not leave this space for serious answers? besides you should be busy listening to your terrible music collection re. above!!!!!!!
asuming that we are using our grammer correctly,one cannot prove a countenance wrong but we can disprove a's all about the grammer. ps. can't you feel it when someone turns that big key in your back?