over quite a long period of time i had nightmares with sleep paralysis just as i was dropping off. the nightmares were unrecogniseable as dreams because as far as i was aware i was laying in bed waiting to fall asleep when someone would come into my room. this happened so many times. i even felt them get into bed with me and snuggle up next to me or they would pace up and down beside my bed and i swear even to this day i was awake! time passes and automatically as i start to slide into sleep my body would just involuntarily force my eyes open shaking my head. got sleeping tabs off doc, which kinda made things worse. they forced me into sleep when my psycholgy wouldnt let me go. i had something a bit like a fit, one side of my body sorta juddering. sleep depravation does some seriously wierd things to you - a bit like paranoid & trippy if you know what thats like, and you will only make things worse by trying to stay awake. see the doc, i have no miracle method but they will understand. the problem with the nightmares stopped when i moved in with boyfriend, but i still have problems actaully getting to sleep. my body just doest seem to let me. i wish you luck and if you find a way can you let me know?! xx