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NOT a sympathy thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Drisgirl | 23:42 Sat 15th Mar 2008 | Body & Soul
107 Answers
As some will be aware my children lost their children tragically (in a an accident) just 6 months ago. Its been tough - very tough as we have an impending trial. Today- his dad -my childrens grandad was found dead -I visited him as I was concerned as he seemed to have given up when Dave was killed and urged him to please start eating and think of the rest of his family (his wife died at 47) -he assured me he would try -remember I am now on the perimeter of the family. He came to see my mum and dad 2 weeks ago and spoke at length about me and Dave (my first husband and father of my children and sorely missed) and at that point I thought -he has given up -looks like he did. It wasnt suicide -he simply died of a broken heart -how sad is that and selfishly another burden for my 2 to bear-I am weeping as I type this. I just wish that the perpetrator of this event would have just pled guilty and taken the smack on the wrist and at most a years ban -but no -she had to take it to trial. Am I such a bad person for hating this woman with a vengenace -I would have held ny hands up and said 'Guilty as charged' but no she decided to not only try to keep her licence for a lesser limit but the biatch has now effectively cut 2 lives short -but given us all a life sentence.The trial starts at the end of April. (She doesnt have a leg to stand on -well Dave would have had no legs to stand on had he lived -or a head so its all incidental-grr) Would you blame me for being bitter and also what next ??????????????? .Can someone tell me -I have no emotion left for my children-its been all used up-how can I tell them its gonna be OK?


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Morning Dris sweetheart , I doubt you had much sleep last night , just hope you were able to shut your eyes even briefly. Just to let you know I went to bed thinking of you , and you are still in my thoughts this morning love .
((( hug ))) xxxxxxx
hey drisgirl, just want to say that my thoughts are wi you, the past few years in my life aint been great either so i do no to some extent wot you goin through.
it will get easier, and you got all your buddys on here to support you, so your not alone.
keep your chin up chick, and take care x
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Afternoon everyone -I eventually got a sleep and feel a bit better this morning -thanks BM xxxx
Peb thank you so much for taking the time to post -very much appreciated.

BTW -the last two posts I made make no sense to me either -fool and her gin-what can I say -rarely drink but when I do it would appear I dont do anything by halves.Back on the wagon again-thats enough to put you off for life *shakes head*
Hi Dris, so sorry to hear this, my heart does go out to you at such a sad time (((hugs))) I know you'll find the strength somewhere deep in you for you and your kids to get through this, hang in there doll. We're all here for you if you need us.

Sandra xx
Dris, you poor thing, jesus you have had some real crap lately, I haven't got any wise words to comfort you Dris, nobody will have, it is just pure crap what has happened, you know you will all get through it one day, but at the moment all the lights have gone out and I can't relight them for you, wish I could, but if you want to talk or rant at somebody I will ring you and you can really let go, please take care Dris and look after each other, love from me XXX
Hi Dris, just read over your thread and the posts of support from the good people on this site. I cant imagine how your children are feeling and know that you will find the inner strength to cope and get through this horrible time. I do not blame you for feeling bitter towards that woman - you are only human. Your children know that they have you and H and so they know that everything is going to be ok in the end. (((((hugs))), Hxx
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Aww Sandra thanks so much -youve know idea how much it means to me everyone rallying round and crucially understanding xx

Ray -thanks so much -means the world to know that there are so many good people here -I have no idea why I posted this as I had made a promise to myself not to mention anything again and I havent but this just took the wind out my sails -could barely believe it-and the rest they say is history -im glad I did tho cos I feel much calmer today-and I have taken on board all the words of support and wisdom-helps greatly.TY hun xxx
Dris,i understand what you mean about revenge.My nieces husband killed himself and their two kids.He was a coward.I hate him with all my heart but theres nothing i can do-hes already dead.Youve had some good advise on here.The pain and hatred does ease,but it doesnt go away completely.
Take care.x
Hi Dris
Not been on here for a week. Just out of hospital.
You are probably very uptight about the coming trial, plus the fact the papers will be full of it.
The thought of reliving and going through the trauma of what happened, I am guessing, is frightening you. Don't blame you either.
Trying to deal with your own sadness is one thing, but when you are trying to shield your kids, then it is a hundred times worse.
Afraid you cannot take the hurt from them Dris, as much as you would want to do.
Just be there for them, youngsters cope better than we give them credit for.
Give yourself, and them, time to grieve after the trial. Not an easy task, being forced to relive the past events but you will get there.
After that, it will be time to move on, as you are all in limbo at the moment.
The waiting is the worst but you will get there, I promise. xx
I have just read your post drisgirl and like so many others I don't really know what to say to help only that I feel for you and your children. This is so much for them to deal with and you have to be strong for them but there must be times when you need to think of yourself.
No-one can blame you for hating the person who caused all this but hate eats away at us and is ultimately a wasted emotion. Your and your children's futures are what matters. Am thinking of you
It will be ok for your kids Dris, you as a mother will make sure of it. Thinking of you xxxxxx
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Sorry I missed ya Hays -thanks hun xxxx

Hau -cant work Sports AB - but thanks for understanding -its hard not to be bitter x

cruella -o hun I was just wondering how you were -I was thinking about ya I had no idea until a few days ago that you were in hospital -you dont have your troubles to seek.I hope you are fine and well and hubby as well -my thoughts are with the pair of ya xx
Youre right we have been uptight about the trial -you'll have seen it in the papers recently -we had just about got over the press coverage and were 'dealing' with it until his dad died yesterday -its just another body blow.Thanks for your kind words of support especially when you have been unwell xxxxxxxx
bensmum -thank you as well -youre right its wasted -it drains you and ultimately for what? I have to now step back and let justice prevail x
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Sorry Gill it takes me so long to type that I miss posts - cheers hun - im trying my hardest -we'll all get there in the end -its sink or swim and we're going for the swim. TY xx
Hi, Dris. I've just read this whole thread and I remember your previous posts too. What can I say? I just agree with all the kind words others have said. Believe me, lass, things will get better - it may not seem like it now, but they will. I understand what you're going through. Love, K xxx
Dris, just wanted to say Im thinkin of you, cant add more than the lovely posts already.
Take care of yourself and the kids xx
Dris not a chance of me adding absolutely anything to all these wonderful posts other than to tell you that im thinking of you . XXXX
Read your posts over the last few months dris and I am sure that you and your children will be able to get through this very sad time together. Take care x
Hello Drisgirl. I can only echo the nice words which have already been typed. I am really sorry to hear your news and my thoughts are with you and your children.xx
Hi Dris

I've only just seen this thread and just wanted to say I am thinking of you too, it must be such an awful time for you all.
I would be bitter too and would want the woman to pay big style for all the heartache she has caused. I'm sorry I can't say or do anything to comfort you but others on here have spoken some wise words and indeed care a great deal about you.
Take care xx
Pleased you managed to get some sleep Dris honey and that you say you are feeling better than last night . You will need your inner strength love , and I will keep you in my thoughts still :-) xxxxx

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