last night, i didnt have any tea, was too knackered after work so just went straight to sleep at 2100. woke up at 0530, got to work at 0700 - didnt have break until 1030, so naturally was starving! - anyways, no breakfast left in canteine, so just had some crips.
i felt fine when i started work, alert and wide awake. after eating them crisps, now i feel really tierd again, lathargic and like i wanna go to sleep or pass out.
You body has used its energy digesting the crisps and as you didnt have much energy to start with thats why you are tired. You ever had a nig sunday roast and just wanted to sleep on couch after?
Because crisps are junk food and you need nourishing food in order for your body to feel alert.
I am like that with sugar so I avoid it and eat healthy I always carry fruit around with me
Next time eat energy boosting food such as a banana and drink lots of water as your body cannot generate energy without it. The crisps will only give you a very short fix.