Crosswords11 mins ago
Body odour & bad breath
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Hi c_niekerk,
I have kind of the same problem ...didn't have a tonsilectomy, though, as I was told that their presence is pretty important as a barrier to stop infections pass through our throat.
I have had all my teeth crowened -and no decays in there.
I used to eat "industrial" quantities of chewing gum and mints --I almost got an ulcer on my stomach.
Right now, I am using a tongue scrapper after every meal and also brush my teeth after every meal --this means I take the toothpaste, toothbrush, and the scrapper with me at work and at the restaurants, too. It helps.
Regarding to the sweatting under the armpit -I have had this problem, but not anymore. The nightmare when I was distroing my blouses in the armpit region is over. I have found at Walgreens in US the miracle antiprespirant. As I am not sure I can post the product name here, please e-mail me: [Email address removed in accordance with site policy - AB Editor] They might have a similar product in UK.
I think it is interesting that you say it started in the late teens. I have the exact same problems with my breath and, after having tried EVERYTHING, started wonder if it could be caused by some hormonal changes as well as some of you seems to have wondered. I can tell that for about four years ago, my mouth-environment changed radically. I know that I didn't have a thick white coating on my tongue, sour/bitter feel of the salivia, and constantly bad breath. My mother have confirmed that I have bad breath, and I have absolutely NOT bad hygien at all. I brush, floss, srape the tongue throughoutly. I am not using mouthwash with alcohol - instead I use H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide) mixed with water which helps a bit. So my question to you all is: Have you, during your childhood/teens, used any asthma-medications like i did? I was a bedwetter as a child. I was, among many other children, a subject of an experiment for a new medication at that time (Minirin). I have recently searched for information about Minirin and have found out it contains hormons which can have made an impact on me. So I would be glad to hear from you with the same problems if you have been taking some sort of medications in the past or not. I would really like to unravel these strange problems.
Thanks for contributing.
Just to provide some comments to the issues raised.
I have never used any medication for asthma as i have never been diagnosed with it or any other respiratory disease. Issues i have had in the past have always seem to be related to the digestive system.
Also I have never heard of the drug called Minirin and i doubt if i had ever been exposed to it.
As my general practitioner is no longer able to help me(she say i am physically fit as far as she is concerned), i am currently consulting an alternative (complimentary) medicine clinic. Its a long shot but its better that doing nothing.
I am also watching a few message forums on the issues on the curezone website.
There is quite a number of people on there with similar symptons.
when I went to see the "experts" in London they said these problem often starts in late teens, due to hormonal changes, as you suspected. Guess the saliva changes character or sth like that. She (the dental hygienist) said it's just bad luck, part of your genetic make-up etc, so I wouldn't blame the medication, it just happens to kick off during/after puberty. I'm also on 3% H202 + water. Should be taken after scraping, to reach the bacteria. Still, it's certainly no easy battle : -/
Janne: That was no good reading... =/ I also want to think it is genetical, because my mother also have this chronic white coating on the tongue and the sour breath of vinegar. But not my dad and brother. I don't know if I have exactly like my mom, but my saliva also smells sour, without having low pH, when licking on my hand. First my doctors thought I maybe had like candida or anything like that, but it turned out not to be the case. If it is like you say, a hormonal change, do you think it is possible to correct the problem with some hormons or is there nothing to do about it at all? What did the experts say? Was it just 'bad luck, no return'?
I also want to ask if any of you recognize yourself in any of the things I experience:
Our family has an electrical toothbrush and different brushes for it. There is a holder for the brushes as well. On my and my mom's holder, it gets stains from what I suspect is dried mucus if you know what I mean. The colour is dark yellow to brown and I think it's disgusting. We often change brushes and clean brushes and the holder and everything but the stains always returns more or less. But not on my dad's and brother's holders of course. I also get like...not froth, but some sort of phlegm in the corners of my mouth at times, but that's not much of a problem. I just think it is a little strange.
Please tell me if you have similar things going on, I really want to know if these things are connected with the form of bad breath that I have. I would like to call the symptoms of my mouth 'aggresive tongue coating' because the coating grows so quick from when I have scraped the tongue and my saliva feels thick and strange all the time.
Hi there ppsd... hmm, yes I have noticed stains on my brush handle after using it for a while, but never thought much of it, i e I thought it was kinda normal, but I guess it might have sth to do with the problem if dad+bro don't have it... anyway, no big deal in itself...
The tongue is most def the cause of your problem, so I guess you're doing the right thing (brushing, scraping, adding oxygen to kill the bacteria, drinking lots of water, avoiding protein-rich food etc etc) --- but I know, it's SO hard keeping things in check. Regarding genetics, the hygienist just mean that it was bad luck basically, i e for no reasons I had any control over. I've never heard that it'd be possible to reverse it all by hormons, sounds a bit far-fetched, though it's a nice thought :-]
I'm hoping they'll think of something to alter the oral environment once and for all, i e alter the pH permanently or something, but hey, have no idea how that could be done :-/
and... I've found a place on www with LOADS of info, (though there's also lots of rubbish on there with dubious cures). It's good to see people are trying to find some answers, anyway.
in particular this guy 'thanatos' seems very clued up and straight-talking: &m=thanatos
So how did the doctor test you for candida? I have no idea what that is... could you let me know? When I lick my wrist I can get the most diverse aromas, not always the same at all...