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Theland1 | 03:11 Thu 06th Nov 2008 | Body & Soul
68 Answers
How many people on here, apart from me, suffer from depression?


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Me too! We have 4 cats and one always sleeps with me.
I'm off work at the moment.
So true Andy.

When I am really down I tend not to go out at all - so people don't see that side of me. I don't open the door to callers either.

We are alike you and I.
Us depressed people obviously need our cats. Mine sleeps with me too!
I have suffered from depression for years amongst other things and I too sleep with my cats...:)
Perhaps because cats are very intuitive and less intrusive than other people when we need support.

And Theland it is usually only intelligent and complicated people who think too deeply about everything that suffer - so be cheered by that thought - you must be very intelligent!

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Hi Nox - You do surprse me. Your posts over the years never indicated to me that you were suffering from depression? I am very sorry, but look on the bright side, we now have a club going here.
There are lots of us I suspect Theland, I'm sorry you're struggling at the moment but you're definitely not alone. Yes, I live with 'a gorilla' too, haha I love that, but like Lottie, as I get older I recognise the signs & mostly I can just about stay afloat.
Health & (as at present) circumstances have a huge influence on just how low I go but I'm the classic 'wear a mask' type too. People think I'm the daft one who's always making jokes & it's true, I can see something funny in almost everything but it's a coping strategy a lot of the time.
I'm delighted to see I must be intelligent Lottie, maybe you can convince my friends & family!

oh maybe I should get a cat? I do have a little dog who's very affectionate though & if I want to spend the day lolling under a fluffy blanket he's all in favour of sharing it with me, bless him
Wishing you well Theland x
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Hey lottie, my ego is exploding with all of the stroking!
Keep it up! i love it!
I'm usually on R & S where my views attract custard pies hurled through cyber space!
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Cheeres Robinia.
I've already started a club elsewhere, called, "The British Bowel Movement." We need a name for this one.
Just proves that we never know who is suffering amongst us Theland.

I would be much more suprised to hear that some of the more annoying and ridiculous users on here suffered from depression. It doesn't surpise me about Nox or Andy- a couple of deep and sensitive thinkers.
Robinia, there is always an exception that proves the rule

(didn't mean it :o( )
I have actually grown to be almost fond of my depression and mental issues ( I have a brain injury that leads to all sorts of erratic behaviour sometimes and general difficulties) because essentially it's made me the person I am. I hate obviously the way it makes me feel, but I do think it also makes me more introspective and therefore more able to empathise with other people who can be somewhat out of kilter sometimes, something which I feel may not be the case if I didn't suffer. I have just started to surface out a very bad year or so and am slowly getting back on track, but it's not going to be an easy one this time as I no longer have some of the support structures that I used to have (ex wife is remarried, kids abroad with her in germany etc) but life's a long song and all that:)
& gt (gin and tonic perhaps?)
grrrrrrrrrr.....get after her!!

well I hope they're only the 'crazy foam' custard pies Theland, the real ones are a big part of my medication! far too good for hurling

I am unsure why mine and tatu's answers didn't get stars as everyone else's seem to have. I have reread my answer and fail to see if I said anything wrong. :(
I hope you feel better soon Theland and manage to find the right balance of medication and therapy for yourself.x
oh I'm sure it wasn't intentional daffy, you can have mine
Theland's busy in a golden shower at the moment...tut, tut, tut.....
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Actually, I've just realised that my education is sadly lacking in some areas, and the golden shower people are putting it right, I hope. But it would make a lovely name for marmalade, don't you think?
I too suffer with depression. My meds keep that gorilla docile (love that analogy Andy!) and allow me to scrape by relatively unscathed. I've tried coming off the treatment but the beast grabs me by the throat again within a very short space of time.

It's shocking how many of us there are out there...but I'm not sorry to be among such good company as yourselves.

Perhaps we should start the AbCD (Answerbank Clinically Depressed) Club?!!

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Good name? Any others?

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