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cold shivers?

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rugeleyboy | 23:30 Tue 11th Nov 2008 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
what are they, what causes them and why do i keep having them?


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Someone's walking over your grave
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5 times a day??

i must of been buried on the church footpath?
Are you ill and running a fever??
Flu-type bug on the way? Or - put your cardi on!! : )
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no, not coming down with anything........... its been happening for months??

are you prone to migraines? I used to get shivers before the head pain kicked in.
Do you actually mean cold shivers - or cold sweats?
it sounds like a mild electric your finger out the socket!
-- answer removed --
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yes i have been having some cracking headaches recently?
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shivers........... no sweats?
I used to get cold shivers years was always part of feeling anxious and stressed.
move your computer chair you are sitting in a draught :)
computer chair? like steven hawkings~?
robotic voice >>>> sorry i meant to say office chair that you use whilst indulging in a little cyber activity.
Time to make an appointment to see the Doctor - something is out of kilter, so go and see the experts.
I also get them at night when I wake up even if I`m nice and warm, and when I mentioned them to my GP I was told that if I get them again to take my temperature and do a specimen in a bottle for him to see as I may have a urine infection, but I haven`t had any since......strange that!!!! Hope it`s ok with you now.
I think Pasta's on the right track. Shivers when you haven't got a cold, can be due to stress and panic attacks. Also related to conditions brought on by too much alcohol.
shivers? maybe you've left your industrial strength gale force bringing fan on?
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alchohol.............. i wish! i dont drink to often.... i will get into doctors i think..

strange thing is they only happen at night time when i am in front of the tele or relaxing?

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cold shivers?

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