to have great, regular sex with someone you don't actually like very much? Isn't it the purest form of intercourse - uncomplicated by emotions or the desire to make oneself in any degree likeable? It has all the up sides of a one night stand without the worry that your partner might be a serial killer!
Obviously the ideal scenario is for both parties to dislike each other equally - however, evidence suggests that this may lead to marriage!
pasta..i'm a rational bloke but i really can't explain what happened..something just snapped in...well..both of us,i was the weirdest but most thrilling thing i've ever my whole life!! i think it's called an enigma!
ps. i was a lot younger and more virile then!!!
icey..i can see what you're saying and it makes perfect sense..but sometimes life just dosen't kind of work that way. really wish i could have what you're describing but for me it just dosen't happen...:0(
Toxicity...did you get the idea for this thread from a tiny article in last Saturday's Times Magazine???
it certainly looked VERY familiar when I saw it earlier this evening ( I never read the papers straight away )