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What do men prefer?

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Scarlett | 22:06 Thu 19th Nov 2009 | Body & Soul
79 Answers
My friend says that all men want to be with a young, blonde size 8-10.
They may pretend they don't, but they all do.
What do you think?


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Men of all different colours shapes and sizes like women of all different colours shapes and sizes!
23:11 Fri 20th Nov 2009
Y the need to pander to men's desires......concentrate on what you want of your man.
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snags, all co-ordinated, thank you :o)
Lol quee...that's quite a mouthful..
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Francoise Boufhal is "The one" for me at the mo

I like the sound of a youngish girl, blonde, size 8-10 though
I work with a woman who is a small size 8 and blonde and looks younger than she is. All the men that come in are drawn to her - at first. But once they realize how vapid and brainless she is, they soon lose interest, so I get the impression that physically they like that look, but as soon as they give their brains a chance to have a say then common sense takes over. (That isn't meant as an insult to slim blondes btw, I'm not inferring they are all brainless- just this particular one :) )
your observation is correct: men form relationships with women of all shapes, sizes and colours. They may moon over your namesake Scarlett Johanssen, as women moon over George Clooney; but unless they're total obsessives it never affects who they actually choose in real life.
Don't go for hair colour as long as they are curvy....dress size 10-16 is fine.
I certainly don't have a preferences for blondes. The vast majority of girls/women I have fancied through my life have had dark hair. Definitely a preference for more rounded figures.
I never really had a preference when younger.......all the ladies were lovely, no matter what their hair/eye colour and i've been married for over 17 years now to mrs bear, who is so similar to actress Michelle Pfeiffer, you have to double take sometimes. She's a natural blonde, and has it shoulder length at the moment and a size 10.This photo looks so much like her at the moment...............

and she's not too bad...age wise, either........she's 40!
yogi.....blimey......wouldn't touch that with the proverbial barge pole ;-)
Wow yogi you are a lucky man!
Yogi.....bad move.

Advice from sqad.........always marry an ugly women, so that when you leave for work, you can be assured that nobody would want to "knock her off" whilst you were away.
and vice versa sqad
naaah! rink.......a woman "aching for it" will take anything.................believe me I know......cus I'm ugly, but never go short....:-)
Morning rinkins x and sqad

Sqad...........i keep telling her she's a minger!
( she's American born..... but i dont hold that against her.... much! )

Thanks Rinks x

I'm really glad you enjoyed your day up in London seeing "Sister Act",......... bet it was great!
Nice meal after or did you hit the shops with a vengeance? ( or both!?)

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