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lower back pain help :(

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WhiteBear | 21:55 Mon 28th Dec 2009 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
i got really lower back pain. i can hardly walk :( it came sudden, i dunno how i did it, it started a couple days ago :(

any good tips to ease the pain? i got work tomz :(


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try heat pads for tomorow babes
This is going to sound crazy but would it be possible for you to sleep on the floor tonight? Keep your back straight. I've had lower back pain for about 7 years. Laying down helps, although so does the medication :P
Bag of frozen peas for 2/3 mins , then alternate with a hotwater bottle .don't burn yourself on the hot water bottle,wrap it in something .Repeat for 30 mins.
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ive never had back pains b4, now going up the stairs kills!i have a hotwater bottle against some cushions, thats kinda easing it, ive must have pulled a muscle or something ? :(

diz, sleep on the floor?? i dunno if i can do that :(
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brenda i dont have frozen peas or any frozen stuff :( just hotwater bottle

bez ive taken ibruprofen ... running low though!
Was only a suggestion, it works for me when I'm in so much pain I can't even sit without feeling sick. I'm on prescription painkillers (solpadol - 30mg codeine phosphate/500mg paracetamol) just for my back issues. Never have I had an x-ray or anything. Could be cold in your back maybe?
hiya WhiteBear :O)

try sleeping on your back with a pillow (or 2) under your knees.. it takes the strain from your lower back. heat works for most but for some a spray like Deep Freeze will help. you have to keep moving. it will ease up, but if you just sit still or restrict your movement it will get worse. try to think of your posture and sit and stand properly. take Ibuprofen so that you can keep moving.
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I wish I could take paracetamols, I've been on solpadol for over 3 years (3600 tablets) and now nothing can take pain off except them. Hope you get it sorted WhiteBear, backpain sucks.
go see your doctor he wiil refer you to a physio who wiil give you treatment and exercises. i did this and my lower back pain is getting better. hope you soon feel better
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thank u for al your help and suggestions! ive just taken an ibruprfen and a paracetamol i hope i have a peaceful night sleep. nn all xx
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If this came on all of a sudden without lifting something heavy or bending wrongly it could be due to dehydration. Drink plenty of liquids; water is the best but weak tea or fruit juices are just as good but no alcohol. Dehydration is the cause of a lot of lower back aches.
All of the, as soon and as much as you can, get the back and legs mobile and do gentle repeated stretching exercises. Lying on floor and curling one knee up to chest, holding, releasing - repeat with other leg - really good for stretching out the vertebrae. Go very gently, don't do what hurts, and try to avoid staying in one position for long periods.

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lower back pain help :(

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