atkins diet in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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atkins diet

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suzie1 | 11:21 Sat 13th Mar 2010 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
Please dont judge me and put me off this!!

Does anyone know what i can eat and what i should avoid on this diet to lose weight as quick as possible. I got 3 stones to lose.....I want a detailed menu for 7 days i can stick to. thanks
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HAHA, king i do get up, im always on the move, but now im starting to look unhealthy, its just my tummy, everything else is ok.
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just ordered a treadmill from argos, £600 reduced to £300 bargain i think, im getting serious now, but only downfall is, it could take a month to be delivered!
Suzie, you don't want to lose weight too fast or it just goes back on again, 2-3 pounds a week is a good target according to Slimming World & Co.
You need to avoid carbohydrates, so that's a no-no to bread, cakes, rice. pasta, cereal, sweet drinks, flour-based sauces and any processed food with a high sugar content.

On the other hand, you can have lots of meat, fish, eggs, cheese and plain yoghurt. You can also eat most fruit and veg, but not bananas (and there are one or two other fruits that have a high sugar content, but I can't remember them all). All this means I can usually have a yoghurt or perhaps egg and bacon for breakfast, a mixed salad with some cheese for lunch, and chilli con carne for dinner with strawberries and cream for dessert.

You can drink milk. tea, coffee and cocoa as long as they're not sweetened, and spirits are preferable to beer. Also, try to drink white wine rather than red.

You have to be really strict with yourself for the first couple of weeks, as the idea is to kick-start your body into weight loss, or ketosis as they call it. After this you can gradually start to introduce small amounts of nuts and various other foods. You will reach a stage where weight loss stops, and this is the point where you get strict again and repeat the process ad infinitum until you reach your optimum weight, at which point you move onto a maintenance plan which becomes pretty much your diet for life.

I've put this very simply, as it's quite a lengthy, scientific explanation of how you make it work for you. Therefore you'd be wise to buy the book: http://www.amazon.co....qid=1268502632&sr=8-1 .

The problem is that people only read/hear the bad things about Atkins and they will ring alarm bells at you as soon as you mention it. But as long as you have no contra-indications, such as cholesterol or heart issues, it's actually a fairly healthy and effective diet and not too far removed, in its later stages, from the Mediterranean diet - this from my GP who is quite supportive of my losing weight this way.

I should also say that it's no quicker a weight loss method than most other diets. I've lost almost a stone in a couple of months. A loss rate of a couple of pounds or so week is the safest way to diet and the best way of keeping the weight off once it's gone.

And swimming, by the way, is excellent, all round exercise - but it won't make you lose weight on its own - if it did, then Rebecca Adlington would look like a stick insect.

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