I just wondered if anyone else was taking the above contraceptive pill and what their experiences were? I'm especially interested if you are taking it and also have PCOS.
I've been taking the pill for a month and have noticed some of the side effects and just wondering how this compares with the experience of others and whether there's a time limit on how long the side effects have lasted on others.
I've been on it CD for about 7 years now. Have had no problems whatsoever. I used to have troublesome 'breakthrough bleeding', intermenstrual bleeding, post-coital etc & always had a 5 day variable 'period'. However on Cerazette I get no bleeding at all and no side effects.
Ah... I seem to be getting the acne and I think the mood side effects, (the latter is difficult to call what with my normal sunny disposition). If it's for a limited time then i don't mind but I can't be doing with this for all eternity. I'll scare small children!
I have been on this one for about 4 years now. I also have no bleeding and not any side effects that I have noticed. Although my partner may disagree! but overall it works for me.
I did try a few different one's before and they didn't agree with me. Maybe you need to try a few before you find the right one. What works for me may not for someone else.
Good luck.
Thanks ice... Don't normally have a problem with any of them although my preference has always been dianette. I'm hoping the symptons die down after a month and it's just the change in pill that's upset my hormones.