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Stopping sweaty hands

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mollykins | 14:58 Tue 05th Oct 2010 | Body & Soul
112 Answers
What's they best thing to put on my hand to stop them getting sweaty when I do ceremonial rifle practice on saturday which will be for about 5 hours!

Chalk is out of the question, would antipersperant help, or is there something else?


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Anyway good luck with it molly....just don't drop it. If it's full of concrete it could hurt
Question Author
Thanks mazie, i'm not sure if these ones are, I know the old one's were . . . .
There is a hand anti perspirant available from independent chemists called "Hands Dry". I have a bottle and it was quite cheap.
Question Author
thanks ginge, I never thought of looking in the chemist, probably cos I hardly ever go in one. I might have a look tomorrow . . . . (ther'es one right by my high school)
I've got one of these, use it to keep my feet cool at night...

The cooling gel I had is the same brand but can only find it in a set.

Bodyshop Peppermint range is on special offer (Buy one get one half price) at the moment!


Ooh just found this too, might have to try it myself...
Good evening molls - may one inquire if you are allergic to sticking plaster?
evening Ena xx I cant see how that would fit in with the uniform......but Micropore might :o)
Good evening to you mazie ;o) ♥
so what would you do with a rifle that you had to handle for 5 hours ttfn. I know it would wear me out...and I dont have sweaty hands. Poor molly :o(
No matter what anyone suggests for her it will be wrong and she will find some excuse not to use it.
mazie my dear - if I had a rifle in my hands it would be operational so I would not have to hold it longer than say - 5 minutes!
Mc - hence the Q. ;o)
Apparently one may ask, but that does not ensure an answer
The thought of ena with an operational rifle is a bit scary. No time for sweaty palms hey?
Sweaty palms, Molly? You won't make marksman or sniper with those.
Having shot with one and got a pheasant for the post I would enjoy meeting my calibre once more.
P.S. did I ever tell you I once knocked someone out with an uppercut?
That's the name of my hairdressers ttfn - Uppercut.
Step away from the gun Ena, remember last time!!
No you didn't but somehow it doesn't suprise me and I bet you didnt even mean to do it, did you? You were just presenting arms
good grief, they're not thinking of arming ttfn, are they? The country must be in worse shape than I thought.
well put it this way mazie - I was a little excited at the time LOL. Oh look 99 for Molls in loco parentis (I am the parentis btw) Mamya - get the first aid kit out for doc's return. Nice one boxy

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