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When u meet a new potential bf/gf

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tinkerbell23 | 01:29 Wed 25th Jan 2012 | Relationships & Dating
65 Answers
Do u think you should want to rip their clothes off there and then LOL

Or does that develop in ur opinion x


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*Do u think you should want to rip their clothes off there and then LOL *

no but its a good feeling if you do feel like that lol

seriously though, when I met my husband we got to know each other well as the physical side was a big no no. my relationship with him is far and away better than any other relationship ive had and i believe its because of this.
Em, the back of the car is a no-no.

sqadlet, you handle it with dignity as usual:)
alba gearstick gets in the way, that's without the knobs and doodads
sqad there's a time and a place for each, maybe your old ticker's not up to the adrenaline rush of the ripping clothes off type but it definitely deserves it's place!
Em, the back of the car has the knob and doodads:)
pa_ula....LOL..LOL...No, I have only been asked to rip a woman's clothes off and i b@lls it up. We had been to see Straw Dogs...the film and she wanted me to take her home....strip her off and rape her. I stripped her off OK but couldn't get an erection which made raping her difficult. I am basically a forplay man.
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No I wouldn't want to do that, if I was interested at all its because I have respect for her and if she tried to do that to me I would lose that respect, I wouldn't want any relationship with the local bike, gross!!
When I first met him, I didn't consider him as a potential bf. He was interesting and intriguing and I didn't instantly recognise a fatal attraction - at least I don't think so. We were both part of a large group of people the regularly socialised. But I must admit the lust came before the love - a long, long time before.
Helen, met mine when I was 16. Oooh he was a sarcastic so-and-so, Kept bumping into him over the years. Obnoxious piece of stuff. Started going out with him when I was 21 /22 and a week later couldn't keep me mitts off him.
I think we had both grown up. Memories, memories....
On thinking about it, I never actually considered anybody as a potential boyfriend. I went out with far too many people to remember, but was never interested in having a steady boyfriend or settling down.
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I must admit it did take Mr Alba by surprise. It sure took me by surprise too.
As mentioned we are still together.

surpise?? jeezers, ya know what I mean
helen, I wouldn't have sex on the first date either and I wouldn't want the girl to want to, I like the chase, the long game, I like to feel like I've earned something that isn't given away willy nilly and, especially when you'd like it to build into a relationship this is the time you get to know them too.

\\\ I wouldn't have sex on the first date either and I wouldn't want the girl to want to, I like the chase, the long game\\\

Love it! love it!.....that's what the ABer women want to hear.

Me? predetermined technique...take and act each on it's merits.
i believe in the slow burning build up of passion.

i've never spent more than a week with a one night stand "relationship".
haha, that's genuinely the way it is sqad, not playing to any crowd, I worked in a bar for 10 years so if all I wanted was the sex I could get that without taking her out and getting to know her, when I wanted more I wanted the chase.
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I'd like to think that after 5 years of 'bumping' in to each other we knew each other. He turned out to be a very nice caring man. He still is.
Wouldn't know what to do with meself if he tootled off anywhere.

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