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@puddle duck.... You don't seem to be reading everything that I am saying, or I am conveying it very wrongly. I have said, very clearly, that I don't care if my partner bought one meal / drink in every 20, cooked once in a while or similar. Yes she has / had got many beautiful aspects of character that make her adorable, but how does that translate to an utterly free ride in life?? By your own rationale, if I had, say, £1500 in disposable income and she had £500, then one in three or four rounds of drinks might be on her perhaps...?
You are fully entitled to your opinions about me, as I've come on here seeking some guidance on how best to handle this situation. The answer for me is NOT to ignore the feelings of unbalance, nor is it my wish that she pays 50/50, or even 15% of anything.... Just a gesture now and again goes a long way. I truly do not believe I am totally wrong to feel as I do, but there has to be room for some compromise on both sides surely? Is your viewpoint really such that she spends nothing, lives purely off me and we all live happily ever after? If that is seen as reasonable by the masses here then I'm astounded! Two people work and earn, yet only one ever pays? That's just not right at all.
I've only ever used this site once before and I got the best advice I have ever had... Concentrate on being a good dad and everything else will work itself out! It did. This time around, I just cannot agree with some of the anti-feeling towards my position. My g/f is a beautiful person in many ways and I care about money a heck of a lot less than some of the opinions would suggest, but you may be right in that I let her go and find somebody who is better suited to me. In a round about way, the same conclusions get reached.
I mean you no offence whatsoever, but I don't have to agree with you either. The advice I sought was how best to handle a hurt girlfriend, but if her viewpoint is like yours and others, then it simply won't work between us. I don't give up easily, nor have I been cruel, belittling, condescending, etc, to her. Her focus of hurt isn't the money side, it's the fact that I ended the relationship at all, which broke her trust / feelings of 'safety'. As far as she and I are concerned, if I could get past that then we could perhaps slowly but surely rebuild. My problem is not knowing how best to be around a hurt / wounded girlfriend who still cares, but is very cautious. I have already said that the little gestures she has been doing recently, (like a surprise Terry's chocolate orange - my favourite!) are more than enough... Simple things like that is all I need! But she is still guarded, distant and cautious and this is difficult for me to navigate, hence seeking advice. I don't understand the whole 'withdraw into shell