So, I had (another) first date on Tuesday. Went for a drink with a guy I'd been chatting to for a week or so. Got on really well and had a good laugh. When we left he said he'd like to meet up again and then we texted a bit later on. Said I seemed really lovely blah blah and would really like to see me again. I replied saying yeah me too, blah blah and that I was heading to bed. Not heard anything from him since then.
I do realise that was only the day before yesterday but frankly he was a total hotty and we had loads in common so I'm an eager beaver. But I don't want to be too eager do I.
So, should I wait and see if he gets in touch with me or do you reckon I should make the next move and if so, when?
It's at this point I feel I should remind you that I am in fact 29 years old and not 13 as this question most likely portrays me to be but I've kept this one to myself from friends & family cos I'm tired of having to tell them it's going nowhere again and again so I have to ask you lot. :)
If this guy is interested he'll be thinking about you and surely after a day passes he's want to make contact. True many things could have detained him from contacting you, but let him do the chasing not you.
Well, I text him. He replied saying sorry he hadn't got in touch the day before but he left his phone at work. We had a few more texts back and forth and then.......nothing. He went quiet.
So Sqad, it seems you were right. I'll take heed next time. you do DON'T text again....he may be testing for clinginess....ESPECIALLY if you have had a glass or two ! Be cool.....we luvs ya !xx
His loss EB !
It was a tricky one - I've beein the same situation before and actually txting made me feel worse. Once you've sent it you just wait and wait for a reply dont you. Anyway, you never know - he may still get back in touch over the weekend? x
My love......the problem is that most of your replies comes from females and they tend to be romantics rather than realists. Looking at a "date" from a man's point of view is quite different.
Sorry that i was right...........but nothing lost.
Feel free to consult me at any time particularly on psycho-sexual matters ;-)
Damn it I saw this thread too late. Would have said on no account text. Men enjoy the chase and don't take their fun away. There was a young girl I used to work with who was never doing very well with boyfriends. I said to her one day stop contacting them first. She came up to me a couple of weeks later with a look of wonderment and said - you were right. They all get in touch now!
sorry, haven't read the whole thread.. was he from a dating site? it's the curse of the dating site.. always thinking there are better options out there :o/
I wouldn't text at all -if he's interested he will text you - do you really think he's out there hovering over the phone wondering should I shouldn't I? Wait until he texts you and then say you will have to check your diary -nothing worse than seeming desperate -male of female - men are attracted to the chase Evian -they are hard-wired to do that - desperation will put them off -totally -or give the wrong impression and attract the wrong sort of guy.
He was Sara. Just frustrating that he wasted his own time by telling me he wanted to see me again a couple of times (with genuinely no prompting from me). If he just hadn't said anything I'd have got the hint.
it's a bit of a game.. he must have liked you but he was keeping his options open. it's a bit of a sweetie shop syndrome. you might have made a perfect couple, but he was drawn back by other "potentials". he may or may not get over that attitude.
I know I sound cynical. I'm way older than you and have used dating sites for way too long!