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EvianBaby | 08:45 Thu 18th Apr 2013 | Relationships & Dating
120 Answers

So, I had (another) first date on Tuesday. Went for a drink with a guy I'd been chatting to for a week or so. Got on really well and had a good laugh. When we left he said he'd like to meet up again and then we texted a bit later on. Said I seemed really lovely blah blah and would really like to see me again. I replied saying yeah me too, blah blah and that I was heading to bed. Not heard anything from him since then.

I do realise that was only the day before yesterday but frankly he was a total hotty and we had loads in common so I'm an eager beaver. But I don't want to be too eager do I.

So, should I wait and see if he gets in touch with me or do you reckon I should make the next move and if so, when?

It's at this point I feel I should remind you that I am in fact 29 years old and not 13 as this question most likely portrays me to be but I've kept this one to myself from friends & family cos I'm tired of having to tell them it's going nowhere again and again so I have to ask you lot. :)


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magsmay, you're calling me a "desperate woman"?
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Mags, with respect that's very easy to say from the comfort of your secure marriage.
I would not be interested in a man that pestered me.
I am a man -- just about -- and honestly, I think it would be nicer if at least once or twice the woman started the conversation/ text chain. Otherwise I might just be (and have, in the past) chasing a shadow.
\\\\\the comfort of your secure marriage. \\\ have hit the nail on the head.......nobody is absolutely sure what constitutes a "secure marriage."
The people in a secure marriage do.
I don't get this waiting business. he'll know you waited. Just say that you know its probably not very cool but text him when you want to text him. Guys like to be chased too.
as may be obvious, I still cant read more than half a page to see how things progress :S
Has it really gone from shall we text to marriage in 24 hours?
Blimey, am I glad I don't have to go through all this dating lark, it seems like bloody hard work. Evi, you have my symathies.
Just see if he texts you back, he might not even be checking out if you are his best bet, he might just suddenly be very busy. My boyfriend and I text and sometimes it takes either him or me a day to reply unless it's urgent because we're both fairly busy and it's not a race. He might text back yet.
-- answer removed --
Evian -I've been married 3 times!
I`ve lost count of the amount of times I have listended to an internet dating friend of mine telling me she had a wonderful time on a date, and the guy promised to be in touch and then she never heard from them again. The whole internet thing seems to follow different rules that "normal" dating but I wouldn`t text him. If a man wants you, he wants you and won`t let you get away. If my curiosity got the better of me, I might just send a text at the end of the weekend as a sort of "Is this worth bothering with and if it`s not then bu@@er off" sort of text.
I don't know. Why does that not surprise you?


\\"Is this worth bothering with and if it`s not then bu@@er off" sort of text. \\ smooth talker.......LOL

\\"Is this worth bothering with and if it`s not then bu@@er off" sort of text. \\

exactly -and I bet you either have found your ideal partner or have no problem getting dates - REAL men like a challenge ;-)
Life`s too short Sqad LOL
I don't think internet dating is much different from finding someone in a pub/club except you've done a bit of the ground work before meeting. Before I met OH there were men I met that never rang, men that I never rang, it seems nothing's changed except a different medium for introduction.
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I think I'd rather stay single than have two (potentially three) failed marriages under my belt.
Real men also like things to work a few times.

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