I have recently got engaged (go me!) Do people still have engagement parties, and what are normally the terms of it!! presents wise lol!
My intentions are to have some sort of party, which my Uncle is paying for.. some sort of all drinks free - something like a fair few hundred behind the bar - but should i expect presents at an engagement do.. or just wait for the wedding?
(please see question in children.. due to recent pregnancy, also car section, and wireless internet question - if you're really good and can answer all - that would be so much help! - EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING TO ME LATELY! CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!)
my mum has saved up 2k for my engagement party - my boke hasnt even asked me yet but fingers crossed, he wil do soon, but i would oprefer the 2k to go to the wedding so im going to do a bbq in my back garden buy loads of cheap wie and ceer and let them all go for it.
Normally you will get loads of Pressies at an engagement. Be warned though, they will be for your future / present house and will NOT be of any interest. :).
Main thing is to be with the peeps you love and have a really good night, get mashed and celebrate your engagement.
Congrats btw. :)