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Desstructive relationship.

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grumpii | 02:23 Tue 10th Apr 2007 | Relationships & Dating
21 Answers
How can you break away from somebody who you love more than you think is possible, After thirten years of marriage, and 3 beautiful childeren . How can you tell the alcholic woman that you love, that you cant cope with the alcoholism anymore. how can you watch other families sitting on a picknick , knowing your wife would rather spend the time on her own getting ****** alone, than spending time watching her children having fun and playing games with family members. (she would rather be on the net ******)


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that is a tuff one I know what you mean. I use to think that my partner was just unhappy and then I left him and he still drank.Got back with him again and left him several times for the same reason. I tried everything over the last 21 years I now ignore it and just let him get on with it.....once a alcoholic always an alcoholic I am afraid to say, unless they want to give it up they will find every excuse...if there is trouble in paradise they will say it is your fault, If they are happy they will say they having a drink because they happy, and so it either stick it out and except it or make a complete break....or just grow old with it....your choice. Wish I knew this 21 years ago would have opted out the first time.

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