I saw a cute guy in the elevator today, he smiled at me and said 'see you around', before he got off on the floor just below mine. He looked fairly young so there's a good chance he's single.... in case, I bump into him again, how should I try to make conversation, to let him know I'm single and 'looking', so to speak?
No, he was cute, had short hair, brown eyes, and was about 5ft8''...... and he clearly smiled at me. It was a bit awkward in the elevator, as I'm shy, but as he was getting out, he looked over and said ' see you later' and I actually recall him winking at me too, as he walked out.
I'm going to be using the elevator a Lot more from now on, I'll tell you that, lol.
He's def not gay..... there was a man in the elevator at the same time, and he paid him as much attention as he would a hatstand. Meanwhile, he couldn't stop smiling at me. Therefore, he's clearly straight and hopefully 'looking' too :)
It was a pleasant smile, not the usual leery kind i get from older men (eughh)..... and he had nice teeth :)
I can't stop thinking about him now, with you all asking me so many Q's about him, lol
..you could start off by asking him if he likes George Michael's "I think you're amazing" ....if he doesn't, then ask him if he's allergic to hamsters?...if he also replies no to this ,then ask him what he thinks of people who use American terms instead of British words ( e.g trunk/boot, pants/trousers, elevator/lift,)...
He's not British so we all speak the same language here :P
I think I'll just ask him his name and what he does for a living? And maybe I'll see if he wants to go out for a coffee with me.... its friendly enough and doesn't imply too much ... ? :S
Ok, don't get too jealous, one less man for you but don't worry there's about 3 billion of them still on the planet (mostly in China i know, but what can you do?)....
I can tell gay guys from straight, and gay guys walk and talk funny usually, and dress too well for their own good. He was neither of the above, and he was paying a Lot of attnetion to me, so I have a feeling he was quite interested.
Maybe I should walk around with a mistletoe, and see if I can steal a kiss from him next time? tee hee