i think everyone is different, i have only ever had proper relationships! never a quick one nighter and hasnt done me any harm, first b/f was for 1 year when i was about 15 - we never actually did anything but kiss!! then i met another guy and was with him for about 18 months, he was sort of my first love, i had a few relationships in between that lasted just a few months and then i met my current partner nearly 9 years ago, we have a little girl and another on the way! i wouldnt worry at all,
people have different opinions on sex and when to do it, with me i prefer to get it out the way!!! thats just coz i get dead nervous and once its over the first few times then i feel more confortable with them, luckerly i havent been "used" for a one nighter, my relationships have lasted, dont think too much about it because i think you will drive yourself mad
i remember the first guy i was with, we were together a year and we never did anything bar kiss, because i got so nervous and worked up i just chickened out everytime! its because i thought about it too much and felt presured,
it will happen natuarally and you will prob get hurt a few times along the way but it only makes you stronger in the long run, good luck xx