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Ban Porn Sites

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Lynsy1 | 10:49 Thu 30th Jul 2009 | Relationships & Dating
194 Answers
Yesterday i caught my friend sitting naked at the computer watching porn, the site was called

It wasnt normal porn! It was forced porn, like rape really, i didnt understand how on earth she could watch a woman being raped....??

Does anyone else think porn sites should be banned??

Plz answer xx


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Thurs 30/07/09
11:14 Question Author
Yes guys! I suppose ur actually right - like a childs website was critisised by me and my team in the sun last year about it promoting anarexia.









there own opinion

You are not very good at spelling and grammar. Are you sure a career in journalism is right for you?
You can look at willies and things.

You can rely of Seagull to come up with a comment like that!!

Not particularly attractive though are they? I prefer chests, thighs and just the hint of groin & pubes.
oh dear
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I thought snags was your wife...
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Question Author
Oh im sorry if i MADE a typing error!!!

Oh im sorry if ive DONE something with my life

Oh im sorry if u dont LIKE the fact that im a journalist!

Oh im sorry if u dont know what a TEAM is!

The team is the Sun newspaper who i work for.

The team of Journalists!!!

And the report about promoting anarexia!

So if you take ur nose outta the air for one second to see that you dont know the full story you mite actually get somewhere in your sad little lives!
''I thought snags was your wife...''

No... I'm his beeeatch...
Caviar? What are people doing with that then? (Seriously, I've not heard of it other than eating it).
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Oh dear, indeed!

If you honestly think it was a video of a real rape taking place then why on earth did you think of posting on here instead of reporting it to the police along with your friend?
If you found her watching child pornography or a murder taking place, would you still pop onto answerbank to see what people think?

Vibe - you never mentioned before that you have a dog!! :p
Are you now snaggy? I guess you really do like pain then...
↑ and she says she's 26... pwahh haaa haaa haaaaaaaaaah!

2 weeks into the school holidays, and they're bored already!
Can you recommend a good brand of bottled water Lynsy?
''no kissing, sometimes I don't even look at her''

What a charmer! See you later 'hot stuff' xxx
There is now ay this poster is 26! She types like a bored teenager.
No need to over react Lynsy. However, given the number of spelling and grammatical errors in your posting, I can understand why people may doubt you. Clearly, good spelling and grammar are a pre-requisite for someone who writes for a living.

Secondly, it was unnecessary to post the name of the site since your description says it all. That is another thing that might make people suspicious.

Finally, I think you will find that there are a significant number of people on here who have done something with their lives.
*no way*
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