I would advise a visit to your GP Lynsy,they may be able to help you with some medication to cure your delusions. Now be a good girl and go and annoy some other folks eh!
Why can't I report this question?(no facility available) because as they have given the website addy of the Porn site,I think it's an underhand advert.
the question has obviously been reported a few times already, the ED has looked at it and decided it shouldn't be banned so the report option has been removed.
I don't think this was underhand advertising, but I also don't think you should have actually posted the website address.
The story (shorter verion):
My friend was watching porn, the woman clearly hadn't agreed to be in this video. And it was very clearly rape. I've reported it to my husband and he is a police man so he can deal with illegal porn.
So thanks for all your ridiculous answers. Subject closed.