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how can i got my boyfriend to be more phyical

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5924 | 22:18 Fri 07th May 2010 | Relationships & Dating
130 Answers
by physical i mean like kissing and cuddling not like sexuall thigns

we are both too nervous to mqke a move and i dont wantto scare him off


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SK, meek heart never won t' fair maiden!

5924, go for it now. I dare you!!
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what jump on him or message him haha
Jump him!
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lol he lives in the next town haha would take me about an hour to walk there hahaha i'll see him tomorrow were going for a walk around the park
Jump him on the swings instead then lol
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lolwhat just pounce on him hahaha i did that at the bus stop the other day when i wanted a cuddle hhaha i literlly jumped on him
Right, i'm off.
Good luck littlemiss 5924. Hopefully you'll be to busy playing tonsil tennis tomorrow to be on here, but if you ever come up for air then let us know how it went.
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ok lol i'll tell you how it went hahaha tomorrow night haha
Awww, 5924, enjoy this part of your relationship. I got together with my boyfriend when I was 15 and remember the chats on msn, walking round town and the park just being with each other! Wish we could go back to that time just for a few days, was so exciting! Still love being with him now though!
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right everyone im back, i had a fab day.
i accidently on purpose fell over and he helped me up hehehe, we played on this beach a while and walked around the nature reserve a the near by park lol great day lol, and a great cuddle before he left. hehehe it's a start lol, and for the first tiem i wasnt the one who started the cuddle hehehe YAY
Well done luv ... pleased for you.
Takes me back, that does. : )
Good effort 5924. Subtle lol
You fixed that Mazda, mate?
Awww I'm so glad :) Young love...embrace it (literally) while you can before life gets in the way :)
No, I went to get my legs waxed instead. Plus it was pissing down today
Set the scene right. Maybe have a night in with a good film, lights low. Sit next to him and hold his hand, as you do this, smile and look into his eyes. That's always a good start.
Bob you pu$$y ...

Let you off .. as it's a charity thing
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hiya im back lol i've had a few to drink yeah i know im 16 it's a fmily thing we do it once a month im kinda feeling the after effects for the first time haha, erm yeah i will try to get a oppotinuty with him again i shall be back with how we're doing and next time im seeing him
Send him drunken texts 5924. You know it's the way forward. let him know you want to jump his bones and take away his innocence!

(Just kidding btw)
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hahahahaha lol i did trip over on purpose

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how can i got my boyfriend to be more phyical

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