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how can i got my boyfriend to be more phyical

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5924 | 22:18 Fri 07th May 2010 | Relationships & Dating
130 Answers
by physical i mean like kissing and cuddling not like sexuall thigns

we are both too nervous to mqke a move and i dont wantto scare him off


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i might invite him over to watch a film or two lol, at what age do you start stopping at each others houses lol and how would you go about it for further refrence lol.
Your first step is to check with your folks that thy're happy, and what ground rules there are (eg not in the bedroom, or no closed doors etc).
You can go round each others at any age I guess, but if you mean stopping as in staying over again check your parents rules.
The thing i've got to ask is do you mean sex? If so, then you've only just started on the first level of intamicy with this lad, work your way through the other levels to see if your comfortable before you start going down that route. Remember, that once you've given away your first time, you can never have it back so make sure it's something you want to remember, not something you'd rather forget.

God, is this gonna be what 'the talk' is like with my daughters in a few years?
Good advice bobs, 5924 has another thread on the same subject too! On the other thread it says they're not even holding hands yet.....
Dont take this the wrong way but if you were my daughter and I read some things you were putting on here I wouldnt let you stay over anyones. Obviously you arent taking things too fast from your post, but you also seem very immature and naive and I wouldnt want you to be doing anything until you are really ready.
I don't mean to pry 5924, but is this your first proper relationship. Is he the first lad you've kissed etc? Is it his as well?
If so, then bear in mind he's gonna be as nervous as you are and rushing into anything is only gonna make things a lot worse. Take your time and get to know each other first. You'll know when you're ready to take the plunge.
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yeah it is the first proper boyfriend i'v had i've known him since i've been three years old
You've known him 13 years so another few months isn't gonna make a bifg difference
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lol yeahi just want ways i can show im i want him to kiss me and hold hand etc, we are hugging thats a start.
Show him by doing it. There's no rule that says you can't grab his hand or give him a kiss. He's gonna be more nervous than you, because he can't turn to anyone for advice on this stuff
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but at the same time i dont want to scare him off
I'm not talking about telling him you love him, and picking out baby names, but holding hands is not gonna scare a guy off. Unless he's gay ;-)
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i mean i amy be reading into thing too much but what if, i all of a sudden kiss him and i dont hear back from him or he isnt ready
5924, your attaching female emotions to a bloke, and thats always gonna confuse you.
You and this lad are an item, so he's already said he's interested. He want to kiss you, and you want to kiss him.
Difference being is that whilst you have advice from the folks on here, and guidance from the worlds bestest ever bloke (me), he's struggling to figure out when, how, does he use tongues, where should he put his hands, what if you pull away, does his breath smell, how much aftershave should he use, should he ask your permission first. You could both spend weeks going round in circles, or one of you could take the first step.
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true i will never know a lads mind, so put yourself in his position what would you be thinking and possibly do based on a guys mind set
no one can put themselves in his shoes. I may be wrong but bobjugs to me thinks totally different to how your boyfriend does
If my gf made the first move, i'd think "thank christ for that" and then relax and enjoy the moment.
I'd probably also be thinking "hands on back or bum?", "what should I do with my tongue", and "I hope she can't feel that digging into her leg"
4get, you may be right, I can only base this on what me and my mates were like when we were nervous teenagers around girls
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hahaha lols yeah.
And with my mumsy hat on I'm beginning to think this whole thread is getting inappropriate if you are genuinely innocent and 16. There is a smack of people getting off on thinking things up for you to do and vice versa.
Got to remember that bobjugs is more experienced than your boyfriend,because he is older,betcha he was a fumbler

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