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Can I Creep Back?

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spotit3 | 21:27 Tue 24th Apr 2012 | Weight Loss & Dieting
5 Answers
I have had a couple of rough weeks and have been comfort eating. Things now seem to be on the mend so can I creep back here back start agin please??


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Yeh, good to see you again. Missed you. How is your sister?

I don't think I'll have lost any weight this week. Its not that I've eaten really badly, but with this wet weather I've been indoors a lot and have only managed a short walk at lunchtime. I can tell I'm no lighter but I'll check in the morning.

I have family to stay this weekend so although I'll try not to suggest cream teas at every turn, I'll reserve a big fat space on the naughty step for next week anyway, I'm bound to need it!
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Thanks Maidup. My sister is on the mend, will be a long haul but at least the danger has passed. I am really goin to try this week as I have put on a few lbs. You have been doing well so congratulations!
Welcome spot. Instead of trying hard you need to change your eating habits so that it isn't hard to keep a reasonable weight.
Hi John

Spotit3 and I, along with several others here are "trying hard" to change our eating habits but its not always a piece of cake. Excuse the pun!
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Really difficuly when the habits are so enjoyable, like cream cakes etc!!!

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