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Connemmara | 12:30 Wed 19th Jun 2013 | Weight Loss & Dieting
44 Answers
My first post re weight - sorry to disappoint you and myself - but afraid to weigh myself cos I have ate like a right pig in the last week. Will hopefully have good news next week - even if it is a pound. Think of a pound of sugar. I think losing weight is so hard!


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ha ha Baldric - didn't see your post - but there ya go gave a truthful answer. It was the tiniest dress I did ever wore that is why I kept it.
I was skinny until I had my daughter but even then my waist was 22".
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I am 5'4 and I weighed 7 and half stone at the time.
Goodness me Conne, 16" waist is so tiny, what size did you take in your clothes?
Sorry Con, a 15" waist is so highly unusual I can only suspect you are using different measurements to the rest of us.

Go and find and find your tape measure and create a circle from 0" to 15" and honestly tell me that was your waist size.

If you come back and say yes, I will be astonished!
Tend to agree, the world record for the tiniest waist is 15" and that was achieved through tight corset lacing. Do you mean an adult dress Conne? I am 5'5" and weighed 7 1/2 stone for a while but my waist was never less than 22".

My neck Is 18.5 inches, my biceps are 17.5 inches and I'm not big/overweight at all, a 16 inch waist does seem tiny
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Agree my waist was too tiny and wouldn't want that again - wouldn't want to as I find losing weight after 60 years old - your body loses elasticity and the face becomes haggard hence you look older again. I seem to have lost my sense of youth when I became 60 and feel you can't do the things you used to - eg done lot of DIY in my day - nothing was a problem. I done painting, decorating and electricals and did/still do have a bit of ingenuity to fix things. Was that anything to with losing weight - I guess so - particularly painting and decorating. wink wink
What size were you in clothes Conne when you had your 16" waist?

Sorry Conne but this woman has a 20in waist so I find the thought of your 16in waist difficult to think off
I got my tape measure out and I think a 16inch waist would be impossible. Like Eccles said earlier it's the same size as when I make a circle with my thumb and forefinger.
It looks awful.
I have just measured the waist of my teeny tiny 5 year old, and her waist isn't even 16" (and a lot of her clothes are for 3 year olds).
I can only think that Connemmara measures circumference differently to the majority!
Inches, metres, foot - I'm no good with measurements, but I'm pretty sure I was a size 24 or 26 inch waist in my late teens/early twenties - I still had to buy kiddies clothes with my slight build and 5"2 height. In my twenties I shot up to a size 14 when I went through bad eating habits and lifestyle, before coming back down in size to a 8/10. I still need to stop etaing crisps for brekkie, though, else the weight will be creeping back up!

Conne - anytime you can, take exercise. I'm not a fan of vigorous exercise, but I walk everywhere within reason. I never weigh myself, but I feel back strain when I am carrying more weight than my body would like. Oh, and do not use any silly diet methods, they will not benefit you in the long run.
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always confused - thanks for your answer re exercise and I do try my best - since insomnia makes me so tired I am pretty tired through the day too - if the vertigo and insomnia "GOES AWAY" - I am going back to the gym big time cos I need vigorous exercise as I said in another posting - the treadmill makes you go faster.
My treadmill is in the garage............the dog refuses to go on it.
My wife's treadmill was in the dining room disguised as a clothes horse
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Treadmills in the home don't work - you need to get to the gym - very much so. You get enthusiasm from the others working out. Have had loads of gym equipment myself in my house but got rid - they never worked out but did in the gym. Why? I don't know!!!
The best exercise to start off with is walking. If you walk fast enough you will get your heart rate up. don't damage your joints.

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