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jennyjoan | 13:48 Wed 01st Jul 2015 | Weight Loss & Dieting
23 Answers
I need to cut them down but how does one survive without them as I do miss them so much ie bread, wee scones etc. I really find it very hard to live without the the carbos


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JJ...the tact that you "cant do without" something is an indication that you should. Everyone thinks carbs are "necessary", that we need them. That is untrue. We do need protein and fats...but the body can survive perfectly well without carbs. We would die without fats and protein. Protein is converted to glucose by the liver. Glucose=energy.
So listen to what broseph and jomlett have said.
Yay ! Carbs ! They're the satisfying filling stuff !

Eat in moderation, cut down gradually if you must. Fill up on whatever floats your boat. Sometimes liquid helps fill ya. But you may need to top up (and get rid) regularly.

They may be satisfying and filling...but they are addictive and will only cause weight gain in most people. Each individual has a different need for carbs...NOT bread/rice/pasta,etc...but leafy green veg,more starchy veg,low sugar fruit,etc. That's why Atkins was correct in starting people on very low carb,then gradually introducing more find an individuals personal level so they can lose and then maintain. Given the choice,I'd rather have some cream in my coffee,and a nice omelette than some dry tasteless breakfast cereal that has had all its nutrients taken out of it.

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