Capitolist Or Communist? in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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Capitolist Or Communist?

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I_Hate_Infinity | 02:06 Sat 16th Mar 2013 | Business & Finance
14 Answers
Or better put:-

Far Left ~~~ Left ~~~ Centre ~~~ Right ~~~ Far Right

Where do you lay?
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This has been the crux of my occasional arguments with AB's resident knuckle dragging fascists: life's not that simple, people often cannot be pigeon-holed that easily. Some of those dribbling anger addicts have labelled me as a 'leftie' 'hand-wringer' 'nasty left' but the fact is, I don't sit anywhere clearly defined in that supposed spectrum.
So, if you insist on an answer from me using your given criteria it's this:
aspects of all the above (probably).
...so, to be precise, my political leanings are infinite ;-)
Indeed, there is at least one other axis to consider on your political compass, not just the economical left / right but also the social authoritarian / libertarian.
Lots of other factors to consider too. Not that easy to plot on a graph where an individual sits.
btw ap, when are you going to stop labelling anyone who disagrees with you as
knuckle dragging fascists, dribbling anger addicts etc...?
as a liberal, its not a very tolerant stance...
To answer your question IHI as far as economics go I'm right of centre as I think you should get out what you put in. Its a much fairer system than the left which pays people to do jack sh*t, as evidenced by the welfare dependant culture that's appeared as a result of 13 years of Labour Government.

It's not meant to be 100% serious Noth, and I quite like the way it winds them up ;-) Who said I was liberal?
Fair enough.
I'm a mixture of all. Sometimes left, sometimes in the middle, sometimes right and often indifferent but never knee jerk.
The only thing that is blue about me is the football team I follow, very much leaning to the left.
I'm a communist conservative.
I tend to consider myself slightly to the left of centre, but as I get older and fed up of being used by the State I find it difficult to stay the humanitarian caring good guy, and more often want to cry, "Enough", and look for ways to encourage a more fair share of responsibility instead. But as others have implied, where one feels one sits on that scale can change from issue to issue.
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I think it's natural to be a bit of both but most tend to swing further one way than the other. I've been a centre defender since the age of 12, backing the Lib Dems in each election since reaching voting age. There seems to be more logic and reasonable comprimise being proposed by the centre politicians, less bogged down by out dated traditions and a better understanding of how ideas from both left and right parties neccessarilly must be included in their manifesto to provide a full and fair system to run our country.

What I think would be fatal to our society is if we go the way of our American cousins and adopt a two party state. This increases the militant proportion of an otherwise non-malicious political party. Imagine the BNP supporters had to support the Conservatives, UKIP too.

It's a hard topic but I like chucking you difficult questions. I also want to know who's on my side when the bombs start falling :)
Just dividing people up into left and right is too binary to be all that useful nowadays I think, IHI.

You should take a look at the following sites for a more nuanced way of determining an individuals political, economic and moral outlook...



Some capitols can be very nice buildings though- I will say that.. :)

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