I am in full time employment in a secure job in the forces. My income is about �1800 monthly. I have loans of about �9000 which take �500 a month. Mow apart from my income I have no savings. I am desperate to get my foot on the property ladder but not sure what sort of mortgage to get. I am not after a palace! Just something to go home to in the evenings. With my income the amount isn't a problem its the amount of the reypayments. Is there anyway of incorporating this debt into my mortgage?
Any advice would be very much appreciated! Thank you.
It is possible to get a mortgage with your debt added on but not that many lenders do it and the interest rate will be higher than it would otherwise. Northen Rock are one company that do offer such mortgages. Why don't you make an appointment with an independent financial adviser who will be able to give you more specific advice?