Ed, just a thought/suggestion- if you are planning to review the number of sections I suggest you scrap this one.
The notes at the top say "NOTE: this is not a place to ask Quiz and Puzzles question, or to give complete sets of answers to crosswords or quizzes. " but clearly this guidance is being missed as all the recent posts in here have been requests for answers that would be better in Q&P or Crosswords. If people do accidentally post in here their questions may be overlooked for some time whereas they'd get almost instant answers in the right section.
The title is certainly .misleading. We already get an overlap between Q&P and Crosswords so a third section seems unecessary to me. Anyway, it's just a thought- not a major issue.
Yes, for those who see everything on Latest Posts it's not an issue but for those like me who are out during the day we just tend to look into our preferred setions and miss things in other sections