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Can anyone suggest an organisation that gives support and advice to those affected by adoption?
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My 2 year old will not go to sleep at night, it doesn't matter what I do he will not go to sleep, With having a 9 year old and a 8 month old I am shattered. Has anyone any ideas?...
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Just wondering, as granddaughters friends 11 and 10 years have lost both their parents at separate times to motorcycle accident. Out of 3 grandparents 1 is unable to look after them, 1 has moved in...
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Fellow ABers, I'm hoping you can help me out. My daughter is in a competition on facebook to win a wedding dress as she has set the date for April 2017. If people could go onto facebook and go to...
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Hello, I am looking to make a children's toy merry go round and would appreciate if any parents of young children would take a few minutes to answer my survey. There is a link to my survey below....
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anyone got any recommendations of books, or online resources etc that my bro and sis can use for their kids, to help them deal with and understand that their granddad has died and is not coming back?...
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Hiya, my seven year old son recently told me of indecent acts going on in front of him displayed by his Dad and his Dad's partner. Since then I have told his Dad he can only see him on public from now...
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Currently has a suite telly dining table in for al fresco evenings.....its a shame but....never??!!!!! Anyway...wanting to set up a wee business using it/from it nothing too intrusive as we have a...
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27a. Not the rough. 7. 8d. Big trouble. 4. 2. 3. Thanks for any help....
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sounds really daft but one of my old teachers from secondary school recently died and I want to sing a song in his honour and put it online. so has anyone got any suggestions on what i could sing?...
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Is there a register od adopted children anywhere? I am doing family research and I know my cousin adopted two children but I do not know their first names or their birth names.
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I've got to the age of 41, married with 3 children yet I'm still carrying anger, bitterness and sadness from my childhood. It's affecting me still after all of this time. I was 7 and he was 16 ( my...
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We are due to have our 50th wedding anniversary party in a few weeks, has anyone any ideas how to keep the party atmosphere going and stop it flagging. We are not having a DJ ( they seem...
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My husband ( who has mild M S) and myself ( I have osteo arthritis so not very mobile but still able to get about)we are both nearing 70 are moving into a granny flat in my daughter and her partners...
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It was my fifteenth birthday. My mum told me to go study maths. I went up to my room and cried because I was lonely and miss my family (they all live in London) Next thing I hear is my 12 yr old...
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Actress 6 and 7 letters deacahrasmmal. Thank you for your help
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Having great difficulty adding a review on Tripadvisor. I have done this lots of times before but for some reason they will not except a review telling me to add a new property, Although I am adding...
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My elderly mother has received a letter from DSResearchers saying that they are looking for her (provided her name, parents and grandparents names) as she could be entitled to some inheritence money....
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A lady I have got to know whilst walking my dog seems to be in a terrible situation. Her husband who she has described as not a very nice man to begin with, suffered a stroke seven years ago which has...

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