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My mother suffers from Lewy Bodies Syndrome (a form of dementure) and will soon need a full time carer. My mother in law (although in resonable health) is 90 and could do with some help around the...
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Last night my husband left me and announced that he would not return to our home unless my 22 year old son moved out. I feel ripped apart. My son has many issues and is seeing a counsellor for...
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When I or others see things differently someone or most seem to feel obliged to try to change others opinions to theirs
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3d Old pennies, out and in? It takes you back (6) R-WIN- Is this rowing or rewind - can't parse either
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My sister is a really defensive smoker, (her cough is nothing to do with her habit ect, ect) Anyway, her son is visiting next week with his 5 month pregnant girlfriend, they won't be there long, about...
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to visit. My friend told me last night that her father, who has been in hospital with Dementia for the past 3 weeks, would not be able to return home, as his behaviour could be dangerous to his ageing...
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I have made a big mistake. And I know it. I have known it for a while but tried not to think about it bit now I can't stop thinking about it. I had two best friends but I kind of chose one of them and...
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my older sister is getting one but my parents say i can't! there's no reason at all! i'm not to young (11) or anything, i can climb fine, but i can't have one!!! i want one so much i could cry!!!! how...
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Hello. A few weeks ago i was getting strange pains and generally decided something was up, i took 3 tests and all came back positive but very faintly. I decided be ause of the pains to go to my walk...
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i'm in pathfinders and we are going to go on a one night stay in a mall, it well be fall/autumn so coldish but i don't know what to pack! help!
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Alright I'm in foster care and I'm with these Foster parents, I have been with them for 4 months. There great parents and all. (: But one night when I woke up to go use the Bathroom I heard my foster...
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Last one. 64d reality tv celebrity family (8) ?s?o?r?e. Thanx in advance.
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So here it is. We met in school, he knew me, but He always was staring at me and afraid of starting convo. He dont have many friends especially girls. after a time we became really good friends, he...
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My niece is 11yrs old (her birthday was August) and in the new term just gone up to 1st year senior school. My sister in law called me tonight to try resolve a dispute between her and my brother....
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Accidentally posted previously in wrong section. Apologies. Are there any websites which will help me track down which regiment my grandfather served in during WW1, and where in France he might have...
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Just a thank you. Had to go back 8 pages to find the solution to 22a - my final bugbear. Only four letters - catch flipping large boy. NAIL.
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I've recently been for a mental health assesment, as I've had a few 'issues' of late. I saw a lovely woman who I felt very at ease and comfortable with, and so was quite open and honest about things....
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My adult son hasn't lived with me at my home for many years, but has never bothered to change his address on all his mail, everything is delivered to my home, and he comes and picks it up. The reason,...
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Just been reading an article about pre-pubescent lads spraying L??X deodorants all over themselves. (NB Other deodorants are available) we suffered this with No. One Son, the fumes from this stuff...

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