I have been married for over 10 years. I have a friend who is female who at times is rather forward and then withdraws alot. My wife and I have spoken about her and it annoys her. This girl and I do speak alot about things that are intimate and not just 'normal' friends things. I continue to love my wife, but this girl can at times annoy my brain, is there an answer?
if you really love your wife and dont want to lose her ,then back off as one thing always leads to another(as i can tell you from many years of experience) dont post back in several months saying that your out of the house,the kids dont want to see you and your going out of your mind because you got caught with that lady and you wished you had listened to abstract! the time is now,nothings been done and you still got wifey by your side......dont let this story become one of regret!
what is it about this girl that annoys your brain?? Do you have intimate feelings towards her?
I agree you need to talk to your wife about intimate things unless you want to drive a wedge between you both. There is nothing wrong with having femqle friends as long as hat is all they are
My opinion here-----I think you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book that of flattery. You come across as a pathetic jerk to me. You have a loving faithful wife and yet you find it necessary to talk about intimate things with another women.You really are a disgusting specimen.
You say you continue to love your wife , should she be grateful for that , you are a complete and utter snake.
My friend stay away. I had a one night stand, and after I couldn't believe how stupid I had been and what I could've lost. THANK GOD my wife forgave me or I would have lost her and my two beautiful children. Just stay away my friend, women are devious creatures and men are just stupid ***** who walk into their traps. Have you ever heard the poem which says " come into my web, said the spider to the fly"