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Thanks everyone. He is in with us for the foreseeable future as we have a tiny 2 bed house, and our room is downstairs and girls room upstairs. Our room is small so his cot is right nxt to me, health visitor told me to put him in the hall but then he will b right in front of the front door which isn't double glazed and our escape route in a fire.
I have done 2 nights now with no night feeds but I had to bring him in bed with me at 3am and that's where he stayed.
Stopping feeding is not an option as I don't give my kids milk, only soya or alternatives, and soya for under 1s isn't great, but mainly I love to feed him, it's the best feeling in the world :)
Routines are also a nightmare as he tends to have to fit round everyone, kids have clubs, homework, hair needing doing, plus dinners cooked clothes washed etc... Never ending list hey x he is a happy loving baby but just won't sleep, and I am truly exhausted! Feel like scummy mummy rather than yummy mummy coz I look and feel like crap xx