Do God-Goddess Really Exist? Secret...
Society & Culture2 mins ago
I have 2 boys aged 9 & 4, they both tidy away their toys after they finish (when I remind them)The eldest will make himself & his little bro cereal or toast using the toaster, although if there isn't a clean bowl he would go without rather than wash one & every now & then he MIGHT make me a coffee. His only 'job' is to hang the clothes in the wardrobes, otherwise I do everything else myself. My friend,whose 11year old helps with everything says that I'm too soft & creating 'lazy kids'.So I would be interested to hear others opinions.What chores do your children do..?? |
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Hi Jo. I have a 15 year old boy who works with his dad but does get paid for it. I usually find I have to loose it to get him to do anything around the house as he is all fingers and thumbs which is just an act. But he has proved himself more than capable of doing the ironing and cleaning up. My girls are 12 and 8 and the 12 year old is very good at helping so much so that I ask her to do more than the others as she is more capable and that is not fair but as she is heading towards being a teenager the enthusiasm isn't there as much. My eight year old wants to help and is dusting and hoovering for me as we speak but I will probably have to redo it. The whole thing is probably a matter of having a lot of patience and not being too house proud
hi peri, thats the thing my eldest done the washing up twice, but most had to be re-done, I couldn't risk him with an iron he has the attention span of a gnat, I have lamanted(sp?)flooring so I dont let him mop incase he gets it to wet, so I suppose the only thing left is polishing. But already he's wise to the fact that if he does a bad job he wont be asked again. So I guess I'll have to get use to making him do it again. Before I had children I thought I would 'train them up' from a young age but they grow sooo fast dont they..!! Right I'm off to fetch him the duster.... |
JoAnn - washingup etc needs practice! Your original idea of "train'emyoung" was right, so get in there quick before they get any older! Each member of the family should contribute what they can, eg even a 2 year old can carry dishes to the kitchen to be washed.
I was brought up that it was not "helping" but just simply "doing" whether I was mixing concrete or sewing on buttons (both of which I did from 7 or 8).
Jobs around the house are not punishments - they can be fun! For dusting, use old white socks on the hands, the idea is to get them as dirty as you can. Get a second iron, put the radio on, let them do pillowslips while you do shirts, have a laugh!
My 9 and 12 year old boys alternate months with a specific list of chores:
Month A
clear table, put away leftovers, wipe counters
empty trash and recycling
clean up after the dog
Month B
load the dishwasher, hand wash the pots
feed and walk the dog
They have been on this system over a year and it works fine, though they still need to be reminded and sometimes called back to finish bits they missed.
Jobs they can do for pay:
mow the lawn
clean the bathroom (not very well, but better than nothing)
take all the big outdoor trash and recycling bins to the curb on trash day, and take them back
They can't vacuum worth beans, though, and don't seem to understand the concept of "putting away the clean clothes I just washed and sorted and folded for you"
Our 2 1/2 year old little girl likes to help around the house and does all the regular stuff like unloading the dish washer, putting away her toys and jigsaws, etc.
She also knows that she has to help with her pony, which includes using the shovel to fill the muck buckets, helping to sweep up (which admittedly she struggles with at the moment but we encourage her), leading her pony from the stable to the field etc.
I think it's great that she wants to join in and is so enthusiastic.
Just think, one day your future daughter-in-laws will thank you if you have produced two house-trained boys.
Sharing simple household chores and accepting resonsibility is good training for the team work they will need to be involved in during their adult life.
Behind every lazy man there's usually an over-indulgent mother !
hey there i dont have children, but i have just moved into the most wonderful house with my partner. At home when i was growing up my brother and i always helped, mainly doing the dishes and keeping our rooms tidy... as we got older, we would do the hoovering, polish etc.
well to the point now, my boyfriends parents done everything up until 3 weeks ago done all his ironing, made his dinners, done his dishes even if they where not eating.... even when they done his ironing he wouldnt put it away left it in a pile on top of his chest of drawers, he has never polished anything, and a hoover emm never seen one.... well i think teaching your kids how to do basic house hold chores puts them in good sted for the future, as for me im training a 22 year old how to polish...use a hoover and remember to put his work clothes in the washing so he has clean things for monday..
please parents think of the person who will one day marry your child... lol
Oh and yes i keep threatening my partners mum that her beloved son will be moving back to her house... and you can imagine she doesnt have all the extra work to do so she doenst want him lol.....
I am a single mum and I have 3 children, who all have chores, they have daily chores and weekly chores, they do their chores without being asked, and most of the time without moaning about them, if they dont do their chores each day, they are all aware that they then lose their "internet time" the next day.
11 yr old daughter, does the washing up every evening. And once a week she sorts the recycling out.
9 yr old son, hoovers the living room and hallway everyday evening, and puts the rubbish out each week.
5 yr old son, sets and clears the dinner table every evening, and collects the newspapers and magazines and puts them in a bundle every week.
Everyweek, they also all help me on a saturday morning dust and polish the house, whilst i clean the kitchen and bathroom.
I have never really had any problems about it with them, and we do it all in such a way that it actually becomes family fun, stereo on loud and us all singing away. If they do their chores all week long, then saturday afternoon we have a trip out to the beach or park, or hire a dvd. They have been doing chores for the last 2 yrs since their dad left us, and they understand that its for everybodies benefit.