I always sterilised Mini Boo's bottles however I'm sure I was guilty of picking it up by the teat on more than one occasion so it was probably a waste of time sterilising the ruddy things in the 1st place!
I also sterilized her teething rings, though never her other toys which she also rammed in her mouth at every given opportunity, quite what my logic was at the time regarding this i fail to see...lol
She was also very prone to chomping on the dog if he was within her grasp too, I did try sterilizing him but he wasn't too impressed ;-)
What I'm trying to say is that I think Mr Lor has a point, as clean as an environment we try to make for our children when they start life, it'll amaze you what they manage to stuff in their gobs before you can snatch it out of their hands, so maybe let Jack (lovely name) build up his immune system?