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Can someone confirm that a woman's most fertile time is 12 days after the first day of their period? And as daft as this may sound, how long are you at your most fertile for? My husband and I are...
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Hi, Im planning on having my Implanon contraceptive implant removed at the end of this year, in preparation to start a family in Spring next year after we marry in April. What i want to know is, once...
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Hi, has anyone tried Caster Oil to kick start their labour? I heard it's very effective & wondered if anyone here had tried & whether it worked or not.. I know she'll be here when she's ready but i'm...
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I am after real honest (gory details if necessary) answers about what it is like to have a c section. I would also be grateful for info on how bad the pain was after and how long it took to recover. I...
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Both myself and my partner are 31years old nd have been together for 18months. I have never made a secret of my desire to be a mum and my partner has always said that he would love kids one day....
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Hi I'm sufferning morning sickness, again, with my 2nd pregnancy. I'm not as bad as my first as i'm spending more time boaking than being sick, i was sick a couple of times before I fell pregnant due...
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Well the sweep didn't work, so tomorrow I go in to be induced. Not sure whether to be nervous or excited, but either way it will be the best experience in the world. Can't wait for Weds when I am...
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I just want to wish the ladies here, who are still awaiting the birth of their babies lots of luck and easy births, especially Picky, who I know is due soon. I've had enough of some of the idiots on...
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Hi Everyone, I'm 19 weeks today and everything is going fine but for the last week I've been having really horrible dreams. I keep dreaming that my husband is leaving me and then last night I also...
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how's it going? got a name yet for tich?
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Hi all Well, just got back from the midwife who has told me that we're all good to go (head engaged), just waiting for the hormones to kick in. She also said that it felt really big and she wouldn't...
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not sure if this is a silly question or not, but here goes... is it safe to lift heavish object/boxes during early pregnancy? my job involves lifting heaviish boxes now and then, just want to make...
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Hi Everyone, thanks for all your best wishes regarding the birth of our baby son, who still has no name. To summarise, the Labour was traumatic, 30 hours and they would only give me Entinox (Gas &...
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I am six weeks prg and have cronic pain down right side, left side and in my back. told it could be start of miscarriage but im not bleeding. any ideas?
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Hi Guys, Just wondering what your early signs of pregnancy were, apart from 'being late'. did you get tender breasts, morning sickness, if so when did this start?? Thanks x
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Hi all, I'm going for a membrane sweep next Friday and then if that doesn't work I will be having an induction the following Wednesday. Has anybody had any experience of a sweep? Is it painfull and...
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Hi everyone, Just had to nip on here and tell everyone, because i'm soooo excited, that I've had the date through for my next scan where I can hopefully find out the sex of our baby. It's going to be...
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Hey Velvetee Do we have a name yet? How are you feeling? How's the little man getting on? Hope you're ok Px
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I hear after having an abortion your not ment to fly for 48 hours afterwards, could anyone tell me the reason for this or what risks there could be if someone did go on a long haul flight within 24...
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Hi all, Im 26 weeks pregnant and the doctor has prescribed my antibiotics for a type of virus. Mainly flu symptoms along with a chesty cough and wheezing for which I also have an inhaler. Will the...

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