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Hi all today has been a little different than most woke up feelin exhausted and have felt the same all day (normally up and about cleaning). Went shopping earlier and on my return needed to use the...
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I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow and a week ago noticed directly under my bump, there is a strange pouch like bump, that feels spongy to touch. Does anyone know what this could be, it's very odd?
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I've never been a drinker of Alcohol and it's a rarity that I ever drink any, however, over the past couple of weeks, I've developed a liking for Magners or Bulmers Pear Cider and have been having...
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Hi, I went to the doctors today after going to see her about on/off bleeding, that was like a preido at the start then went into a brownish discharge that you get after a perido. She sent off for some...
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Hi everyone, my other half and I have recently started trying for a baby. Can anyone recommend any good books for us to read to help us make sure we are doing everything we can to maximise our...
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Im 5 months pregnant and have felt the baby kicking for a couple of weeks now. I have asked my partner if he wants to feel but he says no. I think it might just be because its a bit unusual & he...
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I put my lunch box in the laundry basket this morning! So either I am suffering from a blow to the head or baby brain really does exist! Anyone else done anything really daft whilst pregnant?
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cutting it a bit fine, i know, but i just haven't been able to make up my mind. finally settled on.... ramette-pushchair/1857834/type-i AND there's money...
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Hi What can I do to improve my chances of having a girl? Obviously no complaints if a boy but...
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Hi pregnant and past pregnant ladies, Has or did anyone try Perineal massage prior to giving birth? If you did would you say it helped, did it prevent tearing or made no difference? Did anyone...
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I have just got married, but I am also 5 months pregnant. My husband doesn't recommend changing my name with the NHS yet, as he doesn't want to risk any "patient mix-ups"? However I want the babies...
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Hi I miscarried over the weekend, which was my second within a few months. Anyway, I went to my GP today and he is referring me to the gynaecology department at the hospital. Does anyone know what...
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I've never fully got my head around my maternity leave rights etc, as it's so boring, I've never really taken it in. Anyway, I spoke to the HR Manager at work today and she said I was entitled to 26...
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28th April 23.20 Ellie arrived She weighed 6lb 8oz Only 13 days late haha, had to be induced which wasn't pleasant, but she was worth it, Good luck guys with your pregnancy's x
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Hi every1! :D Just thought id let u all know, i gave birth to a gorgeous baby boy called Theo Wilson Parkin on 30th april at 4am! He weighed 7Ibs, so not as small as they made out he'd be. He has a...
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does anyone else know if i have to cut out alcohol completely whilst trying? i'm not a big drinker but just for meals out etc. x
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Hi everyone. We're going to start trying for a baby in a couple of months and I just have a few questions and wondered if you may be able to help (with the questions, not the conception itself ;o) )...
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Hi all I took a home pregnancy test on Tuesday and I am pregnant again after having a miscarriage at 5+5 back in January. I have passed that stage this time as I am 6+3 but Im worried and panicking at...
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am i mad to want to try my baby in terrie's nappies when he arrives? when i worked as a nursery nurse, i looked after a few babies who wore them and have generally never seen a problem with them -...
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Hi all I came off the pill 4 week ago now (last period started 6/4/09) can anyone tell me when my period should be due this month? I worked it out at monday just gone and still no sign but i know it...

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